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"I'm here for my friend," her nose pointed in the air, "that's it. We won't have no other problems," her arms dramatically sliced through the air.

Everyone stared at her in confusion except for Orion who stared in admiration and with pity knowing she had no idea what these things were. Val's wide eyes now on Orion's body as she stared at her from the floor. They then darted to the blood on the floor and back onto a blood covered Orion... and her outfit. She swallowed hard.

"Run!" Orion screamed at her.

"That's not me Ry!" She stood her ground, ignoring Orion, "now where's Blake you psychos," she inquired, keeping her brows furrowed, pushing her glasses up on her face. "We'll be leaving all together too... if that wasn't obvious."

Lilith giggling at her words, leaving Kali to fight off Everest, "how interesting." She was stalking towards her, Orion standing up only to be grabbed by Melania who brought her to her front, pinning her arms behind her back. Her legs trying to pull them both forward as Mel chuckled darkly behind her.

"Am I?" She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, thinking she can take on the pale skinned woman. Squaring up she prepared to fight her. "Wait!" Orion cut in, not trusting the interaction at all, fighting Mel's grip with everything she had, "I want to make a deal Orpheus!" Her words causing all eyes to be on her.

Taking advantage Everest snapped Kali's neck: irritated with her scratches and weakness. Lilith stared at Orion then turned to see Orpheus' curious glare. "Oh? Pray continue," blatantly bored of the encounter between Val and Lilith he looked to her. Orion knew Lilith would easily kill Val the moment Orpheus said so.

Looking up she swung her head to make the hair move from out of her face. Orpheus flicked his wrist to motion for Mel to release her. Everest tried walking towards Orion once more but Mel immediately stood in front of him.

"I'd like to make a deal," she continued, not caring if Everest was okay. All of her focus on her best friends.

With a newfound interest he stared at her, curious as to why she has so much courage after everything she had been through. A simple nod was all he gave to hear her out.

"You let them both leave unharmed... and I will stay for as long as you wish," she heaved as he raised an eyebrow. His disinterest in the deal obvious in his stance.

"I'll stay and be obedient."

"Is that all my spice? Or do you have any other requests?" Sarcasm laced his voice. A loud thud and gasp was heard as Everest gave in to his anger and snapped Mel's neck. He stood beside Orion as she spoke, in an attempt to stand his ground against Orpheus. Looking up towards him, "I would like for him to stay as far away from me as possible." Orion had no idea why she wanted it so badly. She wanted nothing more than for him to stay far away... a large part of her blamed him for all of this. Oddly enough, she was smart enough to realize it wasn't just his fault.

She did this to herself.

Ironically at the same time she didn't want him to be far away at all.

"I can surely do that last part for you," he stepped towards her like a lion about to pounce on a gazelle. Val nervously looked between them and stepped forward, "I don't really know ya'll like that but ya'll are in-fucking-sane," she spat at them especially Orpheus, directing his attention towards her he chuckled.

"What if I don't comply?" Everest interrupted whatever Orpheus had in mind for Val, his eyes never leaving those dark red, annoyed by his games.

"You will be punished. Simple."

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