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"If you do not mind me asking, how did she pass?"

"She was on a mission, leading the team to invade a venom distribution warehouse here in Rome. Right under the Capital's nose. It was a vampire run operation and they were selling blood and venom. They tested potency on innocent men and women getting them addicted without a care. She couldn't sit by and lead the team from capital, she needed to be with them. She went in first and after taking a good amount of criminals down she was killed by another ancient. I felt it the moment she died because I passed out after feeling like half of my soul was ripped from my body. We were together for 99 years, almost made it to the big 100." He continued to give light chuckles in order to combat the debilitating depression that loomed over him every time he spoke of her.

"Sometimes mates are replaced if they pass. Other times, you only get one." He stood up slowly to walk towards the young vampire, "I don't care how long it takes you, you get through to her and fast. I lost my mate immediately and felt it all at once. Rejection is lengthy. What you feel now is her being torn from you, fiber by fiber. I know you two boast about being strong, blah blah.. I promise you that this is one fight neither of you will win." He gave him a few reassuring pats on his shoulder before returning to his desk to continue his work. Everest immediately got up and left, allowing Cornelius to lower his head in sorrow.

With a newfound purpose he hurriedly sped-walked towards their room, knowing she was still in there. Before he could get on the stairs, he was stopped by her two... humans.

"Don't even think about it you piece of garbage," Val warned him, "I'll castrate you if you dare hurt her even more. She is finally asleep."

He held his hands up in defense, "I just need to see her. I can ease her pain if I just go in there." Val believed him almost immediately, as Blake saw nothing but a liar.

His eyes darted to Val as she stepped aside as a sign for him to go while Blake protested. Instead of feeding into it, she clung onto Blake, enveloping him in a large hug. Squeezing him tighter at the amount of stress and sadness that comes with this lifestyle and she wasn't even apart of it. Immediately forgetting his rant, he hugged her back and melted into her touch. Wanting to be there for her in every way imaginable.

She was doing it mostly to let Everest through only for Orion's sake, but she truly wanted a hug.

Everest entered the room, glad to see her sleeping in the bed. Silently approaching the side, he stood beside her. Unable to keep his hands to himself, he kneeled and reached to caress her cheek. Softly dragging his knuckles against her soft skin, his eyes widened at the lack of sensation in their contact. She began to groan and writhe underneath him. Now fully holding her face, he knelt to be level with her. "Please forgive me. I cannot bear to live with myself if I cause you anymore pain," he whispered.

Astrid stopped her warpath when she peeked inside the room and saw their exchange.

"If you truly want me gone for your own sake, I will go. I do not care the amount of pain I will be in," the actual pain in his voice clear as day as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "I think my punishment for all of my crimes is being lucky enough to have you as a mate. The torture of knowing you are too good for someone who has done terrible things... I wish I confessed that to you before all of this so you knew how I felt. I apologize the goddess punished you by pairing us but I give you my word that I am going to try and be the person you should be with. Every day, I will try for you. Just," sighing dramatically he looked at her sleeping form, "do not punish yourself for my wrongdoings."

Unaware that she was awake the entire time, fighting the urge to open her eyes to make sure he was really there and this wasn't another mind game. Daringly, he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She was too afraid to admit to even herself how much she missed his touch from only a few hours.

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