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Months have passed of peacefully stressful research. Every few days, Orion would have an episode but her family began to understand how to manage them.

Making Everest unneeded.

The more days passed, the more Orion and Calvin bonded. The more time that passed, Everest realized he was beginning to overstay his "welcome". Stolen glances were the only small contact him and Orion had.

But today... today was different.

Their glances longer as an unknown feeling lingered. Something clicked and neither of them knew what except Everest had an idea.

His so-called father trying to meddle in his head.

As soon as his influence reappeared in his mind, he stared at Orion like he wanted her. Reciprocating she stared back at him the same way, unaware that he was still being told to do these things. Though, all of that was controlled and forgotten the moment Alessandro and Kharis Cruorem showed up unannounced. Astrid and Derek stared both of the most powerful beings on the planet in the face as they stood on their porch in the middle of nowhere. "Ah good evening Astrid, Derek," Alessandro nodded, "we heard of the still ongoing massive hunt for two people." Leaning over he spotted both Everest and Orion, "and there they are."

"She escaped a few months ago," Astrid responded.

"With his sired vampire?" Kharis assessed both of them from the porch.

"Sadly," Orion stepped forward with her arms crossed, "he helped me." Alessandro simply smirked and nodded at her revelation, having predicted their was a small connection between the two. Kharis clearing her throat to stop him from his subtle brag.

Everest grabbed Orion's wrist, the first physical contact they made in months. Flinching she looked down at it, his gray eyes bore into hers, screaming for her to watch her tone in front of them. Calvin secretly watched their interaction from a few feet away, a slight tang of jealousy hitting him the moment Everest touched her.

"Miss Gates, we are so glad to hear of your safety," Alessandro said, his accented voice portraying his foreignness.

"May we come in to speak?" Kharis inquired.

"For?" Astrid asked, shuffling in her spot.

"The matters surrounding Orion. We have a strong idea as to what she is," Kharis responded coolly, immediately picking up on the unmoving expression and body language she received in return. Clearing her throat she continued, "let me clarify. By strong idea, I meant we know what she is."

Orion's breath immediately got caught in her throat.

"Come in," her parents said in unison, not hesitating at all, needing this answer after spending numerous days and nights researching.

Everest and Astrid have been utilizing blood bags, and on days where they couldn't get any, they resorted to animals. For Astrid, this was normal but for Everest he was struggling. His normal was living, breathing humans and the impact it had was visible. His usual olive skin was more noticeably gray, eyes sunken in, and he didn't feel as powerful.

Alessandro allowed Kharis to enter first, following suit. Their steps in sync as they assessed their home. "Great hiding place," Kharis said, judging the appearance of the home, "took us quite a while to track you down so it will most likely take Orpheus longer."

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