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"Orion?" Astrid answered.

"One of them is tracking me."

"Who?" Her voice full of anger.

"One of the vamps from the situation last night, don't know his first or last name," she huffed still packing, "only what he looks like."

"Wait, I thought you only confronted the one?" Her mother beginning to figure out her daughter wasn't telling the whole truth. Growing more disappointed in her recklessness.

"I did," she kept her voice steady, still terrified of her parents. Specifically her mother. She was the strictest growing up with her temper and conveniently the one with the least amount of patience.

"So he's either avenging someone or he works for someone else." Astrid's voice faded as she tried remembering what clans are in that area, "or you were reckless and made a mistake!" She raised her voice with a low growl.

Tapping her foot, Orion gripped the phone tighter, unsure if she should mention who he works for. Her pride standing in the way of admitting she may've underestimated her enemy.

Admitting her mistakes is another thing she struggles with and she was definitely not going to start working on that now.

"All the ancient leaders were eradicated or run out by us, so it must be a newly relocated clan... you have no leads?" She asked her as she worked out her thoughts out loud, "like none at all?"

Freezing she exhaled loudly.

"Orion?" She knew her daughter was neglecting to tell them the whole truth, "I need all the details, I won't be mad."

Ignoring the blatant lie her mother just told her, she confessed knowing this one may be too ambitious for her to handle alone, "one teeny detail I may have neglected to mention was that he works for him."

She didn't even have to say his name.

Her parents told Orion of the dangers that follow when you meet or even go near Orpheus Dragomir. He's incredibly evasive from any hunts as he maintains a low profile through his minions.

Astrid took a moment to gather herself, trying to reign in her rage.

She knew her daughter had no idea of the severity of the predicament she was now in. Her daughter only having read about their threat levels, instead of having to fight a clan as strong as his. It seemed as though it was inevitable despite the rigorous training she endured, "voice low, pack as much as you can."

"I don't know if he's working alone or with others. As of right now I have only spotted him but who knows with them," she confessed seriously as she multitasked in packing, "he may or may not have been running the nightclub I was scouting."

"He's working with others, probably a few that exceed the standards of a normal vampire... you should've kept your distance," she raised her voice, clenching her jaw. Now rubbing the bridge of her nose, "Orion I thought we agreed to only collect info... you need to do exactly as I say at all times! We knew you weren't ready for this."

"Its not like you had a choice. I chose to come here," she daringly snapped. Recollecting herself she sighed, "relax. I know what to do," she finished packing selectively ignoring her mother's forewarning.

"Your scent is particularly strong, especially to them. Do your best to mask it," Orion froze for a split second as she listened to her mom, "use water or rub something strong on you like an onion or garlic."

"And how do you know this?" Her curiosity always getting the best of her. She knew her scent, well her blood was enticing but how did her mother know? Unfortunately she didn't have any strong-smelling vegetables to rub on herself as she continued to multitask while struggling not to yell at her mother.

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