The Rogue Ninjas

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Shinju's P.O.V

My name is Shinju. Shinju Hatake. Also known as the Death Shadow. The Jonins call me the prodigy of Hatake. I'm not surprised. I mean I beat my father. I'm his rival. Not like Guy and lee. But more like a father-daughter rival. Not by food or race. No, only by our abilities. Depending on the days one can be stronger than the other. I can create a powerful genjutsu thanks to the Sharingan. Our skills are equal. My mother died after she gave birth to me a guy with lollipop mask stabbed her, that's what Dad told me. I can imagine what happened. My goal was to kill the guy with a cover shaped lollipop to revenge my mother.


Kakashi's P.O.V

I still can't believe my daughter is in the Bingo book. She was only nine... which was 4 years ago I still can't process this. Heck, she even surpassed me. She became Genin at 5 became Chunin the same year. 1 year later she became a Jonin, then 2 years later she joined the assassin unit. And when I heard, she got her hands already stained with blood... I was heartbroken.... but it was her decision. Three years ago, I was summoned by Lord Third. And when learned that she was in the bingo book as Death Shadow. I broke down. She killed over a million enemies who were very useful for us. But I know it wasn't what her mother wanted her to become. I have a feeling that her revenge is growing stronger.

My thoughts were interrupted by looking at the clock absentmindedly. Shinshu still hasn't woken up... I completely, forgot, Shinju had an ANBU meeting which started 30 minutes ago. I have to go wake her up. I headed upstairs and saw Shinju resting peacefully which made me smile. I haven't seen her sleep this peacefully in a while. However, it has to end. Please, Shinju forgives me. I gently shook her.

"Shinju, you are late." My only response was a groan. I braced myself for the ranting. I took a deep breath and said: "It's nine o'clock."


"WHAT?!" Here we go again...."Why didn't you tell me earlier?! Most importantly why did you wake me up now and not at eight o'clock?!"

I smiled. "Because you were sleeping peacefully and soundlessly, and I didn't want to wake you up. Not until I realized you had a meeting, so I woke you up."

A tick mark started to appear on her forehead. "Oh yeah?! I'm serious I am becoming you nowadays."

"Look, as much as I want to discuss with you, you are late, may I remind you."

"Hn. We will discuss this later." She headed to the bathroom with her clothes.

Shinju's P.O.V

I was pissed off. Dad woke me up late again. I hate it; now people will think I'm picking up on dad's habits. I already have the Hokage nagging to me about not to pick up Dad's lazy habits, and I don't need the whole of ANBU to tell or lecture me about this. Now dressed I headed out to the door, grabbing an apple on the way. I teleported myself in the meeting room, only to be greeted by glares or disappointment, or annoyed faces.

"With all due respect Death Shadow, may we have an explanation on why are you late?"

"Sorry, my father woke me up 30 minutes late." Boredom laced my tone. "May we get on with the meeting, I have an affair to deal with back at home."

The Hokage cleared his throat. "As you are well aware of, rogue ninjas appear more and more frequently, including people from the bingo book, and ninjas leveled Jonin and ANBU. We don't know their intentions, we've had word that Suna has been invaded. Many villagers have died as well as Shinobis.

It is now up to us to stop the rogue ninjas. The only way to get rid of them is to kill them without hesitation. I know it is very unlike me to say this, however hearing villagers and ninjas getting killed for no reason may lead the same fate to our village.

I sent ANBU to kill a few rogue ninjas; there are now two left. They are known to be the root of the "gang." Team Death Shadow, I would like you to take them down. If we kill the root, the "gang" will weaken, and soon the whole mafia will die, in the hands of you all; ANBU. Dismissed."

We all headed to our designated areas.

"Shinju." I turned and bowed down to the Hokage.


"I will send a hawk when the rogue ninjas are spotted or are headed this way. Once you see the hawk, head straight to my office. Your team will see it as well. Do you understand?"

"Yes." I bowed once again and headed to the apartment. 

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