Chakra control

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Shinju's P.O.V

Kakashi fainted, he overused the Sharingan once again. I returned into my normal clothing as Shinju. I came in the scene seeing my sensei on the ground.

"Where were you? You missed the whole thing. Not to mention someone replaced you and he's ten times better than you." Sakura said snobbishly.

"Oh? Really. I thought it was Sasuke, but apparently not. Who was he?" I asked pretending to be shocked.

"An ANBU! He's super skilled. Sasuke is about his level right Sasuke-kun?" I snickered, she was way out of her mind.

" I don't care. Unlike you guys, I called him over for reinforcements. If it wasn't for me, you guys would've been dead. Also, how can an ANBU match Sasuke's talents when we're mere graduates?" Sakura sputtered once again.

"Kakashi-sensei fainted didn't he. He overused the Sharingan." I sighed, and carried him, having the team gawk at me.

"H-how?" Sakura asked trembling in shock.

"It's called training."

"Hey, Shinju. Why do you address sensei as Kakashi-sensei and not Dad?" Naruto asked. "It can put our lives in danger. If his enemies knew he had a daughter I would be used as blackmail. No more questions."

The road to Tazuna's house was quiet, for once. We met his daughter her name was Tsunami. Tsunami was shocked that I was carrying an adult who was five times heavier than me. I got used to it a long time ago. I laid him down in the guest bedroom, organizing a futon for him, as well as a canteen with fresh water. I saw him stir a little.

"You're awake." His eyes opened.

"S-Shinju?" Kakashi tried to get up.

"Don't force yourself, rest. Here drink some water instead."

"I can't believe my daughter is babying me." Silence fell once more. Luckily team 7 was there to break the ice.

"Kakashi using your Sharingan is useful and all, but try and avoid using it frequently," Sakura said in an –as-a-matter-of-fact tone. I rolled my eyes. I swear if I keep on doing that my eyes are going to get stuck on my skull.

"Since we are all here I have an announcement to make. Zabuza is still alive." Kakashi announced.

"That's impossible. The ANBU from the Hidden Mist confirmed Zabuza was dead." Stated Sakura.

"What if the ANBU of the Hidden Mist was on Zabuza's side? If he wanted Zabuza dead, he would've left his body, not dispose of it somewhere else." I tried to reason team 7. Silence fell in the room.

"This calls for training," Kakashi announced.

"Wait, Kakashi, you are not in a stable condition yet. Let me first ask Tsunami if she had crutches for you." I came back in the room a few seconds later with a crutch.

"Here, now you can keep your balance." I lifted up Kakashi and gave him the crutch. We sauntered downstairs and headed out to the forest.

"This exercise is called Chakra Control. Instead of applying chakra to your hands, you'll have to apply Chakra to your feet. Resulting; Shinju would you mind giving us a demonstration?"

I shrugged, and applied a slight amount of chakra, and stepped on a large tree, walking all the way up, marking a trace with my kunai, and back-flipped down. Team 7 were shocked and stared at me in awe. Kakashi smiled at me. He threw kunai to team 7, and they all caught the handle and shot Kakashi-sensei confused looks.

"It's to mark your progress." Sakura gave it a shot, and she climbed all the way up.

The boys climbed a meter up, and they were down.

"It looks like the girls have better chakra control than the boys. I guess the great Uchiha isn't so great after all. I guess the future Hokage won't be Naruto." Kakashi-sensei tauntingly. This made the boys more determined, and they climbed the trees once again.

"As much as I want to see your progress, I need to guard the bridge builder, Sakura come with me; I'll might need extra help. Shinju, you stay here with the boys." Kakashi-sensei instructed. I nodded. Kakashi left with Sakura. I sighed and plopped on the grass, in a meditation pose. Sasuke came towards me, while Naruto was still focused on climbing.

"Shinju." He said while putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Can... you give me... some advice on how to climb the tree?" He had a hard time asking, judging by his body language, he looked away, a little embarrassed. It took me by surprise, a 'Great' Uchiha asking for my help? Did a branch hit him hard on the head or...?

"What happened to your ego Uchiha?" I asked tauntingly.

He scowled, "I only asked you, don't have to make a big deal out of it." I snickered.

"I'll give you a clue. You're concentrating too much. By the cause of this, you concentrate too much chakra in your feet, causing imbalance. Relax a little, you are way too tense, even now. That's all I'm saying."

He went back on his tree, not even thanking me. Rude. An hour later, Sakura arrived.

"Shinju, your father told me to switch with you. Meet him at the bridge." I nodded, and headed to the bridge, only to see Kakashi with his perverted book, sitting on the side of the bridge.

"You call that guarding Kakashi-sensei?" He looked up to me sorrow filled in his eye.

"Shinju, why do you no longer call me 'Dad' nowadays?"

"We are on a mission, and I'm on your team. You've made enemies in the past, they may use one of us for blackmail. It'll put us in danger." I said coldly and walked away, and headed to Tazuna who was chugging up water.

"Tazuna-san, do you need some help? I can carry materials."

"Sure, just don't take heavy things."

"Tazuna you saw me carry my father. I think you can let me carry metal poles or wood." I tried to reason with him.

"Very well." He sighed. "Can you carry the metal rods to the other side, my comrades will need them." There were 10 metal rods placed. I carried two over my shoulders, earning amazed faces from the other bridge builders. The day went on, and the bridge was almost finished, thanks to everyone, we were ahead of schedule. We called it a day when it was dusk, and Tazuna, Kakashi and I headed home, only to find a little boy and Tsunami cooking. 

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