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Shinju's P.O.V

After our discussion with Tazuna, and Kakashi-sensei wrapping up Naruto's wound we reached the bridge.

"Wow, it's huge!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Be quiet you idiot!" Tazuna scolded him. A small boat was waiting for us with another bridge builder. The boat was too small for all of us to fit.

"Shinju, you'll have to sit on my legs to fit in the boat," Kakashi stated.

"Why don't you walk on water. It'll make everyone's lives easier, not to mention you are a Jonin." I shot back.

"Why don't YOU walk on water, you know how to walk on water, AND you are younger." I couldn't argue with that, so I didn't reply, and I stepped off the porch. Making the team 7 look at me in horror, but was replaced with faces in shock when I started to walk on water.

"Amazing." Sakura gaped. I turned around, extremely annoyed at Kakashi.

"Shall we go? The bridge isn't going to stand there forever." Everyone recoiled in fear, making me satisfied. They all got on the boat, quietly waiting. I was already on the other side. What was taking them so long? I thought. Perhaps the boat driver was scared someone would get suspicious and kill us all. Smart man. A few minutes later, the boat finally arrived as I helped them dock.

"You didn't turn on the motor because you were afraid to get caught isn't that correct?" The boat driver nodded fearfully.

"Fair enough. Come on team we are awaited. Let's get going." Naruto was throwing kunais in every direction, making Tazuna scold him. One of the kunai went near on a snow-white bunny. Wait, snow white bunny? It's summer unless...My eyes widened.

"Everyone get down!" I caught the wielding of the sword. Zabuza... I glared at the person on the tree standing there proud and tall. Show off.

"Well, well" I began. "Isn't it The Demon of the Hidden Mist known to be one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist." My team gasped in the background. "Looks like someone did their research," Zabuza mumbled.

"Shinju! You are with the enemy. No time to chat." Kakashi scolded me.

"What? I'm just stating. Geez, you can't even appreciate the research I've done." Everyone sweatdropped. I got into my stance.

"Team 7 in Manji formation!" Kakashi cried. The three surrounded Tazuna protecting him. Sasuke was trembling in fear holding a kunai in front of him. Was he going to- No he can't, he was stronger than this.

"Don't worry Sasuke. I'll never let my comrades die." Kakashi reassured him. Sasuke toughened up and regained his confidence. He back into his stance and joined the group confidently. I was at the front with Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei. What is the plan?" He gave me a pained look. I searched in his eyes, was it sorrow?

Kakashi's P.O.V

I looked at Shinju with sorrow flooding in my eyes. She never called me 'Dad.' Ever since she joined the team, she always addressed me Kakashi or Kakashi-sensei. Not Dad. This made me think back at the days when she was in the ANBU unit. Lord Third, it looks like our plan failed once again. Shinju is still the cold-hearted girl. What can we do to help her open up?

I shook my head in dismay. I had to focus once again. "Shinju, you are supposed to be protecting Tazuna." She glared at me. "Kakashi, you know what I'm capable of."

"I know, and this is why I want you to help your teammates. I'll have you as my backup. If something goes wrong, you'll know what to do." She nodded curtly and joined the Manji formation. I knew she was trying to keep her anger down. However, it clearly showed with her body language.

Sakura's P.O.V

Who does she think she is? She was a mere Genin. Sasuke-kun could beat her any time. I was really getting fed up with her. Shinju hasn't even participated in the Manji formation, but Kakashi-sensei told her to do so. Which made me happy, she wasn't going to have the special treatment. However, I could feel her anger radiating, perhaps it's because she couldn't fight with Kakashi-sensei. I could feel it. What's really bothering me is that Shinju joined the Academy a week before we would graduate, not to mention she had the highest score in our class. Oh, well Sasuke-kun was still stronger than her.

Naruto's p.o.v

I could feel Shinju's anger radiating. I guess it's because Kakashi-sensei told her to join us and not fight with him. Although I find it strange that Shinju joined the Academy now that I think of it. Why did Shinju, kill the brothers without hesitation. It's very unlike that a Genin would kill someone. We were too young to experience this kind of traumatizing action. Did something happen before she joined the Academy?

Sasuke's p.o.v

Who was this guy? He reminds me of you know who. Why am I trembling? Why am I pointing the kunai at myself? "Don't worry Sasuke. I'll never let my comrades die." Kakashi interrupted my thoughts. This made me regain my confidence and reassured me. I saw Shinju having a small conversation with her father. She then stepped in our Manji formation. I could feel her anger radiating. Kakashi-sensei might have triggered something in her mind.            

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