Sh*t I got tagged

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I'm sorry guys

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I'm sorry guys. You don't want to read, you don't have to. 

I was tagged by peanut1964 on the 14th of May 2018. To be honest it's the first time I've got tagged. -_-'

Written on the 14th of May 2018.


1) I love cats 

2) I hate Mondays. 

3) My hobbies includes writing

4) I speak French and English fluently. Horrible at French grammar.

5) I'm also crazy ( best friend wrote this...) Me: I am not crazy! You can't even prove it. 

6) I sail a boat. 

7) I have astraphobia (scared of storms.)

8) I'm making a third book. 

9) Animes I watch; Tokyo Ghoul, Naruto (duh why do you think I would be writing this)

10) I talk to myself a lot including Inner Shinju.

Inner Shinju: And now, tag 28 more users. 

Shinju: I don't know a lot of people here y'know. If I randomly tag people AND I'm not following them, I might have a bad image on Wattpad. 

Inner Shinju: Are going to tag or not?

Tag 28 people: 









Inner Shinju: 8 down 20 more to go.

Shinju: * Groans * 




Inner Shinju: 17 more to go. 

Shinju: Sorry to disappoint all of you, but I don't know anymore. I've tagged 11 people already. Don't you think it's enough?


What do you do if you find a sick chemist? 

You can't helium, you can't curium, you might as well barium. 

Spoiler on Struggles (Sequel to Shinju Hatake) 

I searched my target's background. Just what I needed, a criminal who used to reside in the land of waves.

"White Fang, we are going to the Land of Waves."

"Weren't all of the criminals wiped out, two years ago?"

"Yes, but it seems the Land of waves has grown weaker, these past months. Let's go!"

We flashed to the Land of the Waves. I had to change back into my civilian clothes. I was wearing ANBU pants, a crop top with my sword on my back, and I still had my mask. Tazuna was guarding the bridge with his Sake. Old drunkard. He'll never change. He looked at me and blushed. Pervert.


That's it! I know, it's not very detailed, but bear with me. 

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