2 Rogue Ninjas vs The 2 Hatakes

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Shinju P.O.V

After the incident I've learned this one specific lesson; never underestimate an opponent. Going back to the fight the Jonin attacked me. "Raiton - Jibashiri" (Lightning release: electromagnetic murder)

What is this jutsu? I have never seen a Raiton justu like this. I had to think quickly. I dodged the jutsu. "Katon Goukakyuu no jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)

The jutsu made the Jonin burn, and die. However, the Jonin substituted last minute, meaning he went underground. I went up before the Jonin reached my foot. I performed once again: Katon Goukakyuu no jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)

This jutsu made the Jonin scream in agony. "Why you bastard!"

I ignored his insults. Now, where did the ANBU go? I heard kunai's heading my way, I dodged them with ease, not knowing there was an explosive tag hidden in one of them. I heard an explosion. I got out a sealing scroll: Suiton - Haran Banshō (Water Release: Stormy Blockade)

After creating a cloud of smoke, I observed my surroundings. The Jonin jumped out of the smoke, with a maniacal grin on his face. He quickly got out a kunai, which I blocked with my sword. We both crossed each other landing on the ground, panting from exhaustion. The ANBU was coming my way. Talk about discretion. I back flipped cautiously observing my surroundings. To my left was the ANBU to my right the Jonin. I had to create a diversion. "Doton Doryuuheki (Earth release: Earth-style wall)"

My eyes widened. Only one person I knew was able to perform this jutsu. Not to mention the dog heads. My head looked down towards Dad, who was in his old ANBU uniform? When did this happen? This wasn't a genjutsu, Dad was actually here, but why in his ANBU suit?

"Inu? What are you doing here?!"

"I thought you needed help, with your team knocked out, I thought I could come here and help." Tch. I didn't need Dad's help, I was handling the situation pretty well. Though I was happy fighting beside my Dad.

"Another ANBU to reinforce Death Shadow. How nice. However, I don't think the Death Shadow needs your help... left over." The ANBU spat.

"Did they forget me already, after all this time? Did Death Shadow, take away my title?" My Dad asked mockingly. The Jonin then stood up. He recoiled in fear once again. "Captain, that's the Copy Cat Ninja, and the Death Shadow, we are no match for them."

"No. We never back up ever in battle." Damn. He was way overconfident.

"Inu. Choose your opponent." I looked at Dad smiling.

"I'll take the ANBU, you take the Jonin."


And the second round started; 2 Rogue Ninjas vs. the 2 Hatakes.

We all got into our stances. We started by having a staring contest once again.

The Jonin made its first move by throwing shurikens. I cartwheeled and dodged them with ease. The Jonin then performed "Raiton - Jibashiri" (Lightning release: electromagnetic murder)

Again with that jutsu? What is up with him and his lightning style?

" Doton Doryuuheki (Earth release: Earth-style wall)"The Earth wall was meant to be a barrier, for Inu and I. The lightning pierced the trees, as well as the fence, creating smoke one again. The diversion was now set, I pulled out my sword as I jumped out the smoke, clashing against the Jonin's kunai.

We got into a taijutsu fight. Inu, was 2 kilometers away, taking his side of the battle, starting with ninjutsu. Our Sharingan can give us the advantage to copy each other's moves. Now, what was that Jonin's jutsu again? I closed my eyes for a moment trying to remember the jutsu. Of course, that's it. I did the hand signs at a pace that was inhuman, the Jonin couldn't keep up. "Raiton - Jibashiri" (Lightning release: electromagnetic murder)

The Jonin's eyes widened, he didn't have time to create a barrier, which caused him to be off guard. While he got distracted, I created a clone. The clone snuck behind him, hitting his pressure point, making him paralyzed, and drop down to the floor. The smoke cleared, and the Jonin was down. I prepared my Chidori and pierced his heart causing him to scream in agony and die instantly.

One down, one more to go. I followed Inu's chakra. He was now in a taijutsu match with the ANBU. I discretely snuck behind the ANBU but he sensed me and placed me in front of Inu. In a quick motion Inu stabbed the side of my hip. I screamed in pain. At least Inu has the upper hand.

Kakashi's P.O.V

I was in a taijutsu match with the ANBU. I didn't notice, it Death Shadow snuck up on him when I was about to stab his side. He moved last minute and grabbed Shinju. The sword penetrated Death Shadow's skin.

Oh no. What have I done? She pulled her hand away from the ANBU and fell on her knees clutching her side. She was breathing heavily; her mask fell off, and blood was staining the bottom of her other cover. My eyes widened as she cried in pain.

Seeing the scene replaying in my head made my vision go black. In a swift motion, I grabbed the ANBU's shoulder with such force he couldn't get away. I kicked his shin, causing him to kneel on the ground. I kicked his abdomen, making him curl into a ball. For the last blow, I lifted my sword and beheaded his head in one slash. I looked back at Shinju, I picked her up and rushed to the hospital. 

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