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Shinju's P.O.V

"Oh, you mean –" I nodded. "Can't I ask my friend to wish me good luck?" I shoved him playfully. "Yeah, however, you sir, are acting strange."

Sasuke's P.O.V

My heart pulled a string when she quirked a brow, she looked adorable. I shook off my thoughts. We had a month to get prepared for the final round. "Shinju, would you mind if I asked your father for a few lessons?"

"No, why would I? Go ask him. He'll say yes." We came across Kakashi-sensei.

"Shinju. What brings you here?" Kakashi smiled.

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei, you think you could give him a few lessons for the Chunin exams?" I asked him boldly.

"I can't see why not let's begin." Kakashi looked at me proudly.

Shinju's P.O.V

Dad handed Sasuke, chakra paper to determine which was his chakra nature. The paper was soon engulfed with flames. Of course, it wasn't a surprise for us. He was an Uchiha after all. Dad handed him another chakra paper, and the paper wrinkled. His second chakra nature was lightning.

"Well." Dad smiled at him. "I guess it won't hurt if I showed you a few of my jutsus."

"As much as I want to stay and see the training unravel. The Hokage owes me a bargain." I started to take my leave.

"Wait a second young lady. Did you bargain with Lord Third again?"

I tensed, and turned around, smirking. "No, he did. He told me if I were the proctor for the Chunin exams he would give me a series of missions."

I flashed away before Dad could ask me any more questions. I appeared at the Hokage's office. I knocked on his door, let me rephrase that. I barged into the door. It seems I've become more and more carefree ever since I was with team 7.

"Old man you owe me a series of S-rank missions stat!" I ordered.

He spat out his tea. "Shinju, I wasn't expecting you so soon-"

" Give me a list." I interrupted him. I held out my hand, and he handed me three scrolls. "Blah, blah, blah. Okay. I'm off. I'll see you at the finals!" I flashed back to Dad, a huge grin plastered on my face. I look like I just won the lottery, but that wasn't the case.

"Hey, how's it going?" Dad's eye popped out of his socket. "Shinju are those-?"

"Yup! I said proudly. Now if you'd excuse me, I got to go. I'll see you in a month. I hope you have enough money, I took half of it." Dad sputtered.

Not letting him react I left before a word left his mouth. "I'll see you in a month!"

Shinju's P.O.V

I clashed my last victim standing with a slash on his chest. The other corpse burned to crisp. The animals better thank me, I just gave them a free barbeque. I crossed off all the dead or alive criminals.

I looked like I just came back from hell. Fresh and old blood was splattered on my clothes and on my mask. My hands were stained with blood. I had a few burns and bruises here and there, and perhaps a few minor cuts. When I mean minor, I mean gashes on my arms. A pack of wolfs attacked me, thinking I was food. I underestimated them, and they scratched me everywhere, one even got near to my eye.

I flashed to the Hokage's office, showing off proudly all the criminals off the list. "As expected from the Death Shadow. One difference that I've noticed from you. Before you came without a scratch and now you are-uh. What I'm trying to say is you are getting rusty..." Lord Third carefully chose his words.

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