The Academy

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Shinju's P.O.V

A week passed by a flash. Meaning I had to go to the Academy. I eternally groaned. What was going to happen over there?! Fangirls hating me? Fanboys, crushing over me? I can wait for the day to come by-


"SHUT UP YOU STUPID ALARM!!!" I roared. Well wasn't I in a jolly mood today?

"Shinju, Keep it down..." I heard a muffle next door.

I headed to my closet mumbling and grumbling. I was about to change into my ANBU outfit not before realizing I was no longer in my ANBU position. I was now 'a jolly little academy girl.' I hated my life. I snuck into Dad's closet since my clothes were in the laundry. I sauntered down for breakfast and I heard a mug breaking.

"Shinju?! Are you by any chance wearing-"

"Your old clothes, yes. I only have my ANBU clothes, and my other casual clothes are in the laundry." My Dad did the unexpected, he hugged more, like gave me a bone-crunching hug.

"Dad- c-can't b-breathe." I chocked.

"Ah, sorry," He said sheepishly and let me go.

I gasped for air. After my quick recovery, I tossed an apple up in the air and caught it. I took a bite out of it, grumbling loudly.

"Well aren't you in a jolly mood today," Dad said sarcastically.

"No sh*t Sherlock..." I mumbled. I looked at the time. "Class already started, I better head over there."

"Well hurry up!"

"Says you who takes 2 hours more to get to your meetings." I pointed out.

"We'll discuss this later. Now go."

I teleported to the Academy, at the entrance of the classroom door. Only to be greeted by an irritated Iruka. "Shinju Hatake, an explanation, please? It's your first day here, and you are LATE."

"Sorry, Iruka 'sensei' I must have taken a long way..."

He sighed in exasperation, and the class started to whisper among themselves. "Class this is Shinju Hatake, a classmate who has recently transferred to the academy. Any questions you would like to ask her?"

A bubble gum hair colored girl raised her hand. "Sensei, why is she joining the Academy when we are going to graduate in a week? Isn't she supposed to wait for next year?" She asked obnoxiously.

A tick mark formed on my forehead, but I kept calm. "Hokage's last minute decision...Personal reasons... Next."

A platinum blonde haired girl asked me "Is there anyone you like, or you think is cute?"

I looked at her deadpanned. "Lady, I just arrived here 60 seconds ago... No there is no one I like or looks cute, apart from the puppy..." I said dryly. "That's all I'm answering, Iruka-sensei I would now like to be my assigned seat if you don't mind."

"You can sit next to Naruto." I headed to my assigned seat.

"I'm Naruto, and I'm going to become the next Hokage, believe it!"

I just waved at the 'Naruto' guy. I felt someone spying on me, of course, Lord Third and Kakashi's other friends. I swear the Hokage is going to hear from me. I was fuming. I had a dark aura surrounding me. Which caused a few students to recoil slightly. This was officially going to be the longest day I would ever encounter. I turned around to the spy device, and showed the middle finger and stuck out my tongue out.

3rd's P.O.V

The Third Hokage, called up Kakashi, Anko, Guy, Asuma, Ibiki, Kurenai, and other Jonin instructors, to observe the graduates of this year.

"Kakashi? Did you send a clone in a transformation, of a version of younger you but in a female version? Or is it just me?"

The Hokage chuckled, making all Jonin instructors snap their heads to him. "You have it all wrong, Kurenai, it's Shinju."

Silence fell in the Hokage's room. "What?!" All the instructors exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, long story short, Shinju only had her ANBU clothes available. Her casual clothes were in the laundry. So, she decided to take my clothes off when I was younger." Kakashi explained.

Everyone was shell-shocked, she was a carbon copy of Kakashi, however, she had the spitting figure of her mother. This made Kakashi a little sad. Asuma recognized his posture, his shoulders were slumped, and his head down... Asuma put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder to reassure him. The rest gave him a smile, which made Kakashi smile in return. They then continued to observe one particular student; Shinju.

The class started to ask her questions. "Sensei, why is she joining the Academy when we are going to graduate in a week? Isn't she supposed to wait for next year?" A tick mark formed on her forehead. Which made everyone chuckle. "

"Hokage last minute decision...Personal reasons... Next."

A platinum blonde haired girl asked her "Is there anyone you like, or you think is cute?" Shinju looked at her deadpanned. "Woman I just arrived here 60 seconds ago... No there is no one I like or looks cute, apart from the puppy..." Shinju said dryly.

A few instructors snickered at her antics, and few had exasperated looks on their faces. Shinju then headed to her assigned seat.

As expected Shinju felt us spying on her, a dark aura surrounded her. Which caused a few students to recoil slightly. Shinju turned around us, and showed us the middle finger and stuck her tongue out., The Hokage laughed at this. He was enjoying this way too much.

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