The bell test

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Shinju's P.O.V


"Shut up, alarm, shut up!!!!" I spat venomously at my alarm clock. Of course, my alarm didn't reply. It was a mere annoying object. I stomped downstairs, getting an apple, but it got snatched away before I took a bite out of it making me yelp in pain. I shot a glare at Dad, he smiled back and placed the apple back in the fruit basket.

" I know the answer to the test." He looked up. "Teamwork."

"Explain yourself." Dad listened.

"First off, why put us in teams? You know the ANBU have teams. Being part of the team is the first step of becoming a ninja. A person has to be helped for the team to be successful in missions. They have to lend each other their strengths to have their team become more powerful."

"Correct. Well, looks like I won't be making you take the test."

"Won't your students be saying its favoritism?"

"No. You know the answer, so you'll help me on the test. However, please go easy on the new team. I know your "going easy," is breaking bones, massive bruises, and wounds. So, baby fights. Alright?"

"Fine" I sighed. I grabbed the apple that Dad took away. I ate the apple savoring every last bit. Thirty minutes later I headed to the training grounds.

"Shinju, you're late!" Pointed out Sakura once again.

"Hey, say that to my Dad. He isn't even here, so I technically I'm not late..." She growled in annoyance giving me her most threatening glare. Which made me laugh.

"Nice glare you have there, I wanted to glare back at you, but you already have one." Naruto was on the ground laughing, Sasuke was trying not to laugh but failed. It was apparent, he was shaking, trying to muffle his laughs. After a few seconds later, everything got back to normal.

An hour later Kakashi-sensei appeared by teleporting himself and was on the fence. "Ah, I see you're all here, sorry I'm afraid I got lost in the path of life."

"Liar!" Exclaimed Naruto and Sakura. I didn't mind, I was used to it. "Today, we will do a bell test. The people who are able to get the bells from me will pass. Oh, and I forgot something, Shinju is joining me."

"Why her?" Sakura's voice laced with jealousy.

"She understood the concept of the bell test, without my help, and as well for other reasons that are none of your business." Sakura huffed in annoyance and stomped away. Kakashi set a timer on the three poles. "You have three hours to take the bells from me." I rolled my eyes at her and smirked, which made her even more pissed.

"Wait, but Kakashi-sensei, there are only two bells, we are three." Sakura pointed out.

"Ah, good observation there Sakura. One of you will have to be sent back to the Academy."

Naruto being reckless as always, faced Kakashi front forward. In a swift motion, Kakashi disarmed Naruto, leaving team 7 in shock. "I didn't say go did I?" Kakashi noticed the heavy tension and broke the ice. "Let's get started. Go!"

Everyone dispersed. Apart from Naruto. I went after Sasuke, he was very good at hiding his chakra. However, I could still sense him. In the bushes. I waited for the Genin- my team to come forward. Not to my surprise, Sakura came out of the bushes once she saw me reading. I guess I offended her a little.

"Ahem, you are not supposed to be reading, you are supposed to be fighting us." She put her hands on her hips sassily.

"Yeah, yeah whatever bossy pants."

"Hey, don't think so little of us. You are at the same level as us, so stop it!" Sakura furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah? What about Sasuke?" I smirked.

"He's different." Sakura blushed at the thought of Sasuke.

"I beat him in the Academy, does this mean I'm different as well?" She sputtered, I got her. A simple genjutsu would do the trick.

"I would love to chat a little more with you, but to be with Sasuke, you got to get a bell before noon. Meaning, you have to beat me." Irritation clearly was shown on her face. "SHANAROO, DON'T THINK SO LITTLE OF ME!!!"

Sakura's P.O.V

"SHANAROO, DON'T THINK SO LITTLE OF ME!!!" I hit her square in the jaw. Shinju was now knocked out. I felt a surge of pride in me. I finally took down the arrogant prick. Hmph, now who's stronger now? I held my head high. I heard a rustle in the bushes, only to be greeted by Sasuke-kun smiling.

"Well done Sakura, now we passed together." I blushed, he came towards me and cupped my cheeks. Sasuke kissed me. I was about to return the kiss, but I heard Sasuke-kun groan and collapse to his knees. A kunai was stabbed on his back. I stayed there frozen and screamed before I blacked out.

Kakashi's p.o.v

I heard a scream from Sakura. I sighed in exasperation.

Shinju, we said baby fight, not a violent one. I spotted kunai's whizzing towards my direction. Quickly doing a substitution, I headed to a tree. Hopefully, Shinju will go to Naruto and guard the trap I set.

Once Sasuke revealed himself I followed him. He turned around and performed a fire release, fireball jutsu. It took me by surprise, this jutsu demanded a lot of power. My guess he was the top student of the academy. I went underground following his chakra like a snake and grabbed his foot. I buried him underground sticking his head up. Honestly, his hairstyle looked like a duck-butt.

Shinju's P.O.V

I observed Naruto, of course being the knucklehead ninja, he went to the K.I.A stone and took the bentos.

"Naruto..." A scary aura appeared behind me. "What were you trying to do?" He slowly turned his head 180° degrees and gave me a sheepish smile.

"Ah, S-Shinju-chan what are you doing here..." Naruto stuttered. I pinned him to the ground and took the bento's away from him and put them on the ground. He groaned, maybe that was a little harsh, I carried him on my shoulder, which made him squeak in surprise. I tied him on one of the three poles.

"Oh Naruto, what in the world were you thinking, you idiot."

The bell rang after the last word came out of my mouth. A minute later, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei arrived. I stood by my sensei's side, while he lectured the three. I disappeared with Kakashi-sensei waiting for them to make a move. His eyes widened when he saw the two sharing their lunches with Naruto. I gave Kakashi-sensei a knowing look, he nodded, and we stepped out of our hiding spot, Kakashi giving them a dramatic entrance.

"You guys...." They all got up in a stance. "All pass," Kakashi told them with a huge smile. I was happy for them, and we all left.

"Hey, what about me?!" Exclaimed Naruto. A kunai whizzed, another one clashed it, making the kunai change course, and cutting Naruto's ropes in the process. I heard him mutter. "Amazing." I smiled.

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