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Shinju's P.O.V

I chuckled under my breath. This was a duel I was looking forward to for a long time. I took out my sword and the fight started. We rushed at each other, our swords pointing to our opponents. A loud clang was heard. This meant the battle started. His moves had to be large in order for the sword to move. I made small and swift moves like the last confrontation. Zabuza got out a kunai which I deflected from his hand. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu: Onibi (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique: Onibi)."

The jutsu made his left-hand burn, making him cry in pain. This was only a distraction. I did a back kick, making Zabuza step backward, and a stab on the gut, one of his vital points. He got back on his balance, and our swords clashed again.

"You know. I'm impressed, Death Shadow, or should I say extra-team mate." My eyes widened he knew. "I'm not that stupid when Death Shadow appears, extra-team mate 'hides' Death Shadow disappears extra-team mate comes back." My grip tightened on the sword.

"You know, Gato might be manipulating you. Did he promise you money? It's not like a criminal actually works under a bourgeois." He growled. I got him.

"She's right Zabuza." Our heads turned to a small man and a gang. It must've been his mafia. Gato walked toward Haku's body and kicked his head.

"I guess he was useless after all."

Naruto intervened in the conversation. "How can you be so cruel!? He, he loved you! This is how you repay him?!" Naruto gave his speech, and at the end Zabuza interrupted him.

"Enough kid. Your words sting like a blade. Since I no longer work for Gato, I suppose I'm no longer your enemy. Zabuza released our sword grip. I looked back a Naruto, surprised that he had the ability to convince anyone.

"Hey, kid," he addressed to Naruto, pass me your kunai." Naruto hesitantly threw his kunai to Zabuza. He caught the kunai by his sharp teeth, and ran towards Gato's gang, killing a few of them. He didn't care if the gang stabbed him.

I flashed to Gato. "D-Death S-Shadow! He trembled. "I-I promise I won't terrorize or take people's money. I-I promise! I-I'll pay you."

I didn't let him finish and slashed his neck marking my death mark. I hit his vital point, and he died instantly, I didn't let him scream. Gato's gang saw the scene and recoiled slightly.

"D-Death S-shadow!" Only a few people knew how the Death Shadow looked like. I decided to be merciless, and ran to them, encircling them, killing them with my blade.

Sakura's P.O.V

I saw a powerful chakra coming from the dome. Was it Naruto's chakra? What was residing in him? Naruto was cloaked in some red chakra, he punched the dome with his fist. Making an aftershock which made Tazuna and I brace ourselves. The ANBU ran to Zabuza as Kakashi-sensei created an electric hand.

The ANBU braced himself. I saw Naruto with Sasuke-kun. No. It couldn't be possible, Sasuke-kun, he couldn't be dead. I ran to him, Tazuna following behind. I pushed Naruto away, and I saw Sasuke-kun, lying on the ground, motionless.

"It's alright to cry." Tazuna put a comforting hand on my shoulders.

"The Shinobi rules tell us not to cry, but we are human as well." I sobbed Sasuke-kun was dead. Naruto walked away, a shadow cast under his eyes and his fist curled up.

I heard a clash. Death Shadow was against Zabuza, silence fell in, and the atmosphere was so dense I forgot to breathe. Death Shadow stabbed Zabuza in the gut, which made me wince. They got into a sword grip. A small man intervened their duel.

Death Shadow and Zabuza ceased the fight. The small man kicked Haku's dead body showing his 'respects'. After Naruto's emotional speech, Zabuza counter attacked Gato's men. Death Shadow killed Gato, and then encircled his mafia, dead bodies falling one by one. It wasn't a pretty sight. The Academy wasn't kidding, shinobis were heartless and cold, they killed people without hesitation.

Sasuke's P.O.V

Darkness...Cold...That was all I could feel. Once I collapsed, the last face I saw was Shinju. She was different than the others. She stood out of everyone I knew in the Academy. Shinju was the only one who helped me through even if she didn't notice. I was a coward to not befriend her, she could've helped me. I didn't even reach my goal to kill my big brother.

I felt water dripping on my stomach. Wait I felt water, there is no water. I tried opening my eyes, and I could see a grey sky, and faint screams in the background. I opened my eyes wide and saw a tint of pink. Sakura.

"Sakura," I said weakly. "You are hurting me." Her emerald eyes looked up, and she tackled me.


"Where are Shinju and Naruto?" I rasped.

"Naruto is over there. I have no idea where is Shinju, but Death Shadow is assisting us." I tried getting up, with the help of Tazuna and Sakura. I saw Death Shadow killing her opponents with grace. Well in my view, Sakura was shielding her eyes from the gory scene, and Kakashi made a few clones to assist Zabuza to kill the gang.

Shinju's P.O.V

Once the whole mafia was killed, I was in a mess. My hands were stained in blood, and splashes of blood were on my mask. With the condition of my mask and my clothes, I had to get the mask renewed. I came up to team 7 seeing Sasuke fully awake and yet, weak.

"You finally came up to your feet Uchiha. Good work Uzumaki. Haruno, good job on protecting Tazuna." I praised team 7. I went up to Kakashi.

"Kakashi, Zabuza knows my identity, I have to kill him." Kakashi's eyes widened.


"Repeat my name and I won't hesitate to kill you as well." I threatened. Maybe I was too harsh, but it was the only way to keep my identity safe as well as my Dad's. I went towards Zabuza and held a kunai on his throat. "Kid." I looked at the injured rogue.

"What?!" I spat harshly. "You know my identity. I have no choice but to kill you."

"I know, but before that. Please, live your childhood."

"I already have my father and my leader lecturing me about this. I don't need a criminal lecturing me again. Say hi to my mother, and Haku. "I slit his throat wide open, and he died instantly.

"Why?" I turned to Sakura. "Why do you kill like this?! Are you even human?!"

"Haruno. This is the truth, shinobis kill by orders of their leader. We kill without hesitation without any feelings." I saw Sasuke tense. My words must have brought him back to the night of the annihilation. "It's the reality, face it Haruno," I said in a cold tone. I left the bridge and crossed paths with Kakashi, holding a kunai against his throat.

"We'll speak of this at home. Right now, I suggest you clean up the bodies, and dispose them. Nevertheless, tell a little white lie to team 7 that 'Shinju' was escorted home by a villager because of the massive injuries the gang gave her."

I felt Kakashi tremble. "Y-yeah. I'll do that. We'll speak of this at home." He stuttered.

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