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Shinju's P.O.V

To sum it up, the Academy was terrible. The quizzes and the jutsus they asked us to perform were too easy. The students were barely Genin level, I couldn't blame them, the guy who every girl was infatuated with, was named Sasuke.

Sasuke was the only one I acknowledged out of all the students. With the potential he has and the determination he would become an excellent Genin in no time, and a great shinobi in the future, however, I can't shake off the feeling a cold aura coming no, a very dark atmosphere coming from him.

Who cares, he must be an Emo, I also think Sasuke is jealous of me since I beat him in a Shuriken target. He put the two in the center, but the third was on the second line. Iruka gave him a 9/10. I put them all in the center, which made everyone speechless. I was given a 10/10. He shot me a glare, but I shrugged it off.

"Shinju!" Iruka interrupted my thoughts.

"Hm?" This ticked him off. "You head straight towards the enemy, but he disappears, and all of a sudden you are in another world, which is chaos, what is happening?"

Sakura gave me a smirk. Clearly, her body language saying; You can't answer that question. Overconfident people, so typical.

"It's a genjutsu."

"No, it's not, the person is dead." The almighty Sakura spoke.

"No, it's a genjutsu," I said persistently.

"Explain yourself." She said overconfidently.

"If the person were already dead, he would've met darkness, not going directly in another world of chaos. Second of all, he would've felt pain, and the genjutsu would've been dispelled." Silence filled the room.

"That is correct, Ms. Hatake."

Sakura slumped down, feeling defeated, which made me smirk. The bell rang, signaling us that it was lunch time. I headed out to the entrance of the door. Leaning on the door frame I munched my salmon onigiri.

I reflected on what Dad told me a week ago, it seems that his childhood has been haunting me for days. It must have been hard for him. The bell rang once again, an hour past already?

I headed back to the classroom, as usual, Sasuke was sulking in his small corner shooting a glare at me once again. I had enough of his glares.

"What is your problem?!" His glare intensified. "Just because I beat you doesn't mean you can glare at me like no tomorrow." I seethed. His eyes widened, shocked at my outburst, but returned emotionless a second later. "Hn."

"That's all I get? "Hn?" You're ridiculous. Arrogant prick."

Sasuke's P.O.V

A new girl arrived in the Academy a few days ago. Hn, another fangirl, great all I needed. When Blondie (Ino) asked her who she liked she just replied dryly, saying no. Which shocked me, because usually when girls stare at me, they look down and blush furiously. Not her, she was different.

Two days later, we were tested on our taijutsu skills. I missed a target which made me growl in annoyance, the worst part is, the new girl got all the shurikens in the center. She reminded me of HIM.

I shot her glares every time we crossed paths. Shinju, shocked me when she answered the answer with ease. Even Iruka-sensei had to go through the responses to check. The bell signaled us to have lunch, Shinju headed out.

I ate my tomatoes and rice balls. The bell rang once again. Shinju entered the classroom, I shot a glare at her once again.

"What is your problem?!" My glare intensified. "Just because I beat you doesn't mean you can glare at me like no tomorrow." She seethed. My eyes widened, shocked at her outburst, but I returned emotionless a second later. "Hn."

"That's all I get? 'Hn'. You're ridiculous. Arrogant prick." The last two words coming out of her mouth crossed the line. Shinju returned to her seat, not another word was exchanged between us, and silence filled the room once again. I heard stomping and shoving. Not these two again...

I confirm this girl was different.

Shinju's P.O.V

This arrogant prick is getting on my nerves, but man, that felt good. I then heard, shoves, and stomps. Fangirls 3 o'clock, brace yourselves. I plugged my ears before the ranting started between Ino and Sakura. 5 minutes later Iruka came in and announced the people who were going to the exam room.

"...Blah, blah, Shadow Clone jutsu..." Shadow clone, huh? That will be easy.

"Shinju Hatake" I looked up and came in the room. There were Mizuki and Iruka in the exam room. I never liked Mizuki, I knew he was scheming something. I performed 10 shadow clones and grabbed my ninja headband. I waited until Iruka left to get the next student. I punched the table and grabbed Mizuki's collar.

"I know what you are planning..." I whispered in his ear. He shivered at how I was close to him. I let him go, and left the room. I knew Naruto can do it. He is stronger than he thinks. I headed home, slamming the door violently, making Dad jump.

"Would you be mindful with the door? I don't want another door broken..."

"Ask Tenzo to fix it for you. I'm sure he will be happier to help his "Senpai."

"Shinju..." Dad said in a warning tone.

"Fine, fine, I'll be gentler with the door." He smiled. Tomorrow would be the day I would be put up on a three-man team. I couldn't wait, I thought sarcastically. "I'm going to bed, goodnight." 

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