Chunin Proctor

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Shinju's P.O.V

After Dad's long outburst and amending our relationship, we both fell asleep. Of course, morning had to arrive. I slowly woke up only to find myself on the couch lying on Dad's chest. He was sleeping peacefully finally his turmoil was finally gone. The tension broke between us, and we had nothing to worry. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him once again. I felt two pairs of strong arms snaking around me. I smiled in return. "Did I wake you?"

"Nah. What time is it?"

I looked around the living room clock. "10:00 AM, we better get going the team is waiting for us."

Dad groaned in annoyance. "Why cruel morning? Why?"

"I agree, now get going." We eventually got up after a long debate lingering our minds to either to get up or not. We both headed out the door. I saw Dad grab something before heading out. Chunin exams papers? "Dad? Wasn't that-? Don't tell me you are already signing them up for the-"

" Chunin exams? Yes, I am." Dad interrupted me.

"It's the first time the rookies are allowed to enter the exam, isn't it?"

"Correct. They showed me a lot of potential back in the A rank mission."

"Ah, the A rank mission. It'll be on my mind for a while." We arrived at our meeting point, Dad making up a crappy excuse once again, the usual. He got out Chunin applications. Sakura was hesitant at first. "If you agree to participate in the exams. Go to the academy at 15:00 in 5 days. Dismissed."

I decided to confront Sakura. "Sakura."

"What do you want?" She snapped. Man, fangirls these days.

"I suggest you would tone your voice down if I were you. Look I didn't come here to argue. I wanted to say; you have great potential in you. Participate in the exam, you are stronger than you think." I left and followed Dad. Hopefully, she can regain her confidence. Suddenly an ANBU appeared.

"You are called at the Hokage's office." I nodded and headed to the office.

"-Me? A Chunin Proctor? You can't be serious? My team will get suspicious of me." I asked the Hokage.

"I know. However, I think you should tell them your identity." The Third blew a puff of smoke.

"One already knows. Uchiha Sasuke. He better not spill a word, or otherwise, he'll be dead in a blink of an eye. I don't care if he's the last so-called survivor. And the team? No. I would never spill such information, knowing them. They can't hold their tongue!"

Lord Third sighed. "You are the only hope. If you do participate as a proctor, I'll give you a series of S-rank missions for a whole week, detaching you from the team." He bargained.

I smiled, liking the deal he proposed. "It's a deal."

Five days later, team 7 all gathered in the Chunin exam. I arrived there just in time to meet my team.

"Shinju! Naruto exclaimed. "Are you here for the exam as well?"

"No, I'm here for another reason." Team 7 and rookie 9 gave me confused looks. I took a deep breath. "I'm a proctor."

Silence fell in the room.

"Eh?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"How?! You are a mere genin just like all of us." Ino exclaimed indignantly.

"I agree! For the last time don't think so lowly of us." Sakura agreed. I sighed. All of a sudden Lee arrived in the scene, mimicking Guy's pose. I facepalmed. He'll never get out of it.

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