Tazuna the bridge builder

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Shinju's P.O.V

"Sasuke point B."

"Sakura point C"

A pause was left on the speaker.

"Naruto, I'm at point A"

"You are too slow Naruto..."I chuckled at my Dad's antics.

"Says you, who shows up late every time Kakashi-sensei." I pointed out sassily.

"Are you already at your point Shinju?" Kakashi ignored the remark.

"I've been holding the cat ever since you guys started looking for it." I said. The cat purred in delight as I scratched it's chin.

"Couldn't you have told us, earlier?!" Everyone scolded me.

"While you guys were looking for the missing cat I happened to find it while it was running away. I lured the little feline with a can of tuna fish. The cat took the bait and I grabbed him. The feline was quite a handful at first, but eventually got tamed when I petted him." I said coolly.

"What?!" Naruto and Sakura yelled on their microphone making me flinch.

"Can't you guys, keep it down and lower your microphones, please? It's giving me a headache." I replied monotonously. Everyone sighed in exasperation. We headed to the Hokage's tower, where Lord Third and the Landlord's wife waited for us.

I handed the cat to her, and she hugged, no strangled the cat, thanking my team and went on with her day.

"Ok, your next options are; Babysitting the Landlord's grandson, plowing herbs-" I zoned.

Were D-rank missions that bad? I don't even remember since I only did one D-rank mission with my team until I was stripped away from the team and was put as a Jonin.

I shook off the nostalgic memory and concentrated Lord Third's lecture. "Hokage-sama."

"Yes, Shinju?"

"You said there was Genin, Chunin, Jonin and finally Hokage. However, where is the ANBU in all of this?"

"ANBU are selected specifically by the Kage's, however, they are very secretive. Most of the villagers don't even know there are ANBU existing. I don't want you guys to tell anyone is that clear?"

Everyone nodded. Naruto complained that the missions were too easy. He finally convinced them to give them a C-rank mission.

"Tazuna you may enter." I smelled sake from the door. Great our client was a drunkard, just what I needed. He was gonna tick me off very soon, I could feel it. He entered while drinking his sake leaning on the door.

"Are you saying these are supposed to be my bodyguards? Who's the pipsqueak, he's barely even ready to become a ninja." Naruto snickered.

"Who's the pipsqueak?!" We all lined up and Naruto was the shortest of all of us. I was a centimeter smaller than duck-butt. I better grow taller. I thought. A tick mark appeared on Naruto's forehead, and he rushed to the client.


Kakashi grabbed him by the collar. "Naruto, we can't attack the client."

"I'm Tazuna an expert at bridge building, you better protect me with your life."

With our lives? Why? It's just a C rank mission. Something must be up unless it's an undercover B rank mission.

I sighed and headed home to pack necessary utensils for survival. My ANBU uniform, in a sealing scroll. Water, food, Band-Aids, 100+ Kunai's and Shuriken's, and my sword. I sealed them in my sealing scroll and placed it in a small bag.

I met team 7 at the gates. Naruto was pacing, Sakura was ogling at Sasuke, and Kakashi-sensei waited for me.

"Shinju, you are late. I see you haven't packed a lot of stuff."

"It's just an escort. It'll be fine. Anyway, I'm surprised you are for once, on time. Oh Kami, am I dreaming?" Kakashi-sensei gave me a deadpanned look. I ignored him.

We headed off and Naruto was overexcited. "Are they really ninjas?" Tazuna asked skeptically.

"Don't worry I'm a Jonin."

We headed towards the Land of Waves. I was bored out of my mind and didn't bother pay attention to Kakashi's lecture. I looked around my surroundings, seeing a puddle. These ninjas are dumb. They jumped behind 'Kakashi' and ripped him apart.

Team 7 screamed in horror. I stood there not even caring about a thing.

"The Demon brothers," I whispered loudly enough for them to hear. They turned to me. "Demon brothers, both leveled as Chunin, named Gozu and Meizu. Also failed of being a Shinobi and became rogue."

They growled at me. I just humiliated the crap out of them.

"You won't get away, little one. " I went behind their backs. Holding a kunai on one of them.

"What was that?" Killer intent filled the atmosphere. Sasuke was in charge with Meizu however, Meizu had the time to scratch Naruto. Which angered me, and made me press the kunai deeper in Gozu's neck, which he winced in pain. Sadly, my joy short lasted when my victim got took away by my sensei. He tied both of them to a tree.

"What is your purpose?"

"The Demon of the Mist ordered us to assassinate the bridge builder."

"As I knew, you guys failed once again," I said tauntingly. Which made them cry out indignantly.

"Enough Shinju," Kakashi told me in a stern voice.

"Why didn't you kill them already?" Tazuna asked.

"We need to get information our prisoners. Then I'll kill them." I said. Sakura gasped.

"Shinju, you don't mean that do you."

"Oh, I do."

She recoiled slightly as well as everyone else. Once Kakashi got enough information, I stabbed both of them making them scream in agony. Sakura held herself for dear life, Sasuke flinched, and Naruto kept on staring at his wound.

"If you want my opinion, this is actually meant to be a B no an A rank mission. We met ninjas and we had to fight against them. It's not suitable for Genins like them."

"I agree." Sakura peeped in. "Hey, you are the same level as us as well. I already told you don't think so little of us!"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. We have no time to argue, now our priority is Naruto, the claws were poisoned."

Naruto shook. "You didn't get hurt, didn't you...Scaredy cat?" Sasuke asked tauntingly.

Which made Naruto aggravated. We had to get back to the village to extract the poison.

However, the plans were turned. Naruto did the unthinkable, he stabbed the wound deeper to extract the poison. In which case he earned my respect, but lost it after his speech. Sad life. 

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