Never underestimate an opponent

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Shinju's P.O.V

I dodged the small fireball with ease. It was a big fireball, but I've seen better. I shook my head in dismay. No. I had to concentrate, I couldn't underestimate my opponent, not like the last one.


We both stared at each other intensely, debating who would make the first move. The rogue ninja decided to open the battlefield by making the first move. "Suiton - Suiryūdan no jutsu" (Water Release: Water Dragon bullet technique)"

"Chidori" I ran forward, and touched the water, sending it to the opponent. The opponent yelled in pain, while the lightning electrified him. My victory was short ended when I realized it was a substitution jutsu. I felt the rogue ninja's presence behind me, he was too quick and stabbed me in the back, making me groan in pain.

"Argh!!!" I spat blood, and the rogue ninja cackled maniacally.

"Hahahaha! It's an honor to actually harm or scratch the Death Shadow. Wait until I show your dead body to my comrades and the whole world. They will finally know your true identity, and I will become the successor of the Death Shadow." He cackled maniacally.

I growled "Kh!" He was in his dreams, cocky bastard already thinking of defeating me! He dug the kunai deeper into my back. "Argh!!!"

This guy was sick. I underestimated this ninja. He's a former ANBU from Kirigakure. I'm an idiot. I had to think fast.

"You know, I thought you were stronger than this Death Shadow" He emphasized, which made me more and more aggravated. I elbowed him in the stomach, which made him take out the kunai and step backward. I turned forward him, while he held his side.

I ran towards him, hitting his pressure points, making him fall. I formed a Chidori once again and held the Chidori on my face "I thought you were better than this, weakling." I spat. In a flash I straddled him, facing the Chidori, towards his heart. "You want to test it out?"

He just laughed maniacally and stabbed me with his sword on the side of my hip, making me lose my balance, I planted my hand in his heart, killing him instantly. I slowly got up, and walked back to the village, limping slightly. Kotetsu and Izumo were guarding the gates.

"Hold it right there!" Kotetsu yelled. I looked up, my vision got blurry, and I blacked out. My mask fell in the process.

3rd person

Kotetsu and Izumo gasped when they saw Shinju. All covered in in blood, blood gushing out of her hip as well as her back. She looked beautiful, yet fragile.

"Oh Shinju, why so young yet deadly. You should be living your childhood, not already living the life of a ninja." Said Izumo with remorse and sadness.

" I agree, Izumo, however, we better get her to the hospital, get Kakashi-san, I'll get her to the hospital. Kotetsu carried Shinju bridal style and ran to the hospital. The villagers looked at the girl in horror, asking themselves; how she got injured so severely. So severe, her wounds led a trail of blood.

Izumo rushed to Kakashi-san, he sensed his chakra. He was at the K.I.A stone. "Kakashi-san..." Kakashi's eye widened and rushed to the hospital. He looked in horror and saw a trail of blood and footprints.

Kakashi's P.O.V

I was in the K.I.A stone to say hi to Rin, Obito, Minato-sensei, and of course, Yuki, my beloved wife. She died after the birth of Shinju, a ninja with a twisted mask killed her after Shinju was born. It was too late to save Yuki, she died instantly, and she was too weak and too tired to fight back. The masked person left after the incident. I can still remember the day. I heard Izumo behind me.

"Kakashi-san..." My eyes widened. I knew that tone of voice, something must have happened to Shinju. I rushed to the village, seeing a trail of blood, and footprints. I sprinted to the hospital.

No, no, no!!! Please, Shinju, hang on, I'm coming. Please don't make me lose another person I love.

Once I was there, the receptionist immediately recognized me and told me to wait in the waiting room. I ran my hand through my hair, impatiently awaiting the results of Shinju's outcome.

Oh, Shinju, what did you do to lose so much blood? Why were you so reckless?! After an hour of waiting the Doctor approached me with a clipboard in her hand.

"Kakashi-san?" I nodded. "Please follow me." We went into an endless hall of rooms until the doctor turned into one of the intensive care room.

"Your daughter is in this room, she is now sleeping, I suggest not to wake her. She is in a stable condition now. However, her wounds were fatal, and we managed to extract all the poison out of her body. She was stabbed deeply in the back and was pierced by a sword on the side of her hips, we managed to heal both wounds. I will give you a form for the treatment of her wounds. I recommend her to take a week or two off from the missions so that her wounds will fully heal."

"Okay, thank you, Doctor." As soon as the door was open, I rushed to Shinju. "Shinju... why? Why become an ANBU at such a young age, why are you in the bingo book? Why can't you live a normal childhood like the other kids?" I put my hand in hers. Shinju slowly squeezed my hand, and turned to my side, embracing my hand. I pulled a chair and laid my head on the hospital bed, slowly falling asleep.

I slowly woke up from the birds chirping. I must have overslept. I let go of Shinju, got up and put the chair back in its place. I saw Shinju sleeping peacefully, making me smile slightly. She looked so much like Yuki. She is the spitting image of her. Apart from the hair and the eye she inherited from me. As well as from my attitude and personality. The sunlight shone on her face, making her flinch slightly. Shinju slowly opened her eyes, slowly coordinating herself. I approached her. "Shinju."

"Dad! She quickly jumped up and hugged me. I embraced her. "Don't scare me like that ever again." She chuckled and replied "No promises."

End of Flashback

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