Lord Third's Decision

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Kakashi's P.O.V

Once I entered the hospital, the nurses and the doctors gasped at Death Shadow's condition and took her away in the emergency room. I headed to the reception, she looked up.

"Inu is it? I grunted. "Death Shadow's wounds will probably take longer to heal. For now, there is nothing you can do. I suggest you head home, and come back here in an hour for the results."

I walked away from the hospital, and strolled back home, thinking of what I've just done. I reached the apartment, quickly changing back in my Jonin attire. I covered my eye with the ninja headband. Meanwhile, I was healing the minor burns I got from the rogue ninjas. I looked up "Almost forgot, I need to give my report to Lord Third."

I strolled in the streets of Konoha looking around, heading towards the Hokage's tower. I reached the door and knocked. "Come in" I kneeled down, with my head hanging lower than usual.

Lord Third blew from his pipe "Kakashi, I know what happened." My eyes widened. He continued. "The reason why I sent you to help Death Shadow was to help her defeat those rogue ninjas but as well to spend time with her. You seem affected, this incident made you think back from the past, didn't it?" Rin. "That's what I thought."

I stood up. "The mission was successful, yet the rogues were hard to defeat, their ninjutsu was on a whole different level. Death Shadow took down the Jonin, while I took down the ANBU. She ended the Jonin's life by a Chidori, as I ended the ANBU's life with my sword. However, I stabbed her accidentally in the process, which is why she is being hospitalized at this moment."

"Very well." Lord Third blew from his pipe before continuing "You are dismissed, and you have a week to recover."

"Alright, thank you, Lord Third." My report was complete, and I headed to the hospital. The receptionist greeted me "Ah, Kakashi, are you here for-" I nodded for her to proceed. "Please follow me."

The receptionist led me into an endless corridor, soon stopping in front of a room. She knocked on the door, and the Doctor came out and motioned me to come in.

"Kakashi-san. She has no major injuries, just a deep stab in the hip. It'll leave a scar, our Medical Ninjas healed as much as they could, and only the last layer of her skin is opened. I suggest she perform any physical activity, for about a day. She will be discharged by tomorrow." He swiped the bed curtains, and there was Shinju, peacefully sleeping. "I'll leave you here. "The Doctor then closed the door behind him. I pulled a chair and watched Shinju.

Shinju, I promise, I will never hurt you ever again.

Shinju's P.O.V

I stirred slightly as the sunlight shun. Slowly I opened my eyes, and looked to the side, seeing my Dad asleep in his chair. He as well started to stir and wake up. Once his eyes laid on me, he came up to me and stroked my cheek.

"Shinju, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright Dad, I'm fine," I said in a hoarse and weak voice. I leaned my cheek on his hands. He pulled up a chair, and held my hands, looking at me, worry covering his eyes or should I say eye. The Doctor came in an hour later, examining me.

"You are fine, and out of danger, although I advise you not to do a lot of physical work, it can cause the wound to reopen. You'll be discharged when you are up to it. Have a nice day." I thanked the Doctor and limped to the bathroom to change. Once I was ready, Dad and I headed home.

A few days after I recovered I found myself strolling around the streets of Konoha until an ANBU halted me. "Shinju Hatake, you have been summoned to the Hokage's office this instant." He then disappeared, I went to the Hokage's office, knocking on the door.

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