Chunin Exams preliminaries

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Shinju's P.O.V

After the second round team 7 came back fatally injured, and needed medical attention immediately. Sakura came back with a new haircut, which I adored. I gave her some of my respect, she did something bold, knowing something must have happened. Sasuke was acting distant ever since he came back from the second round. Sasuke became cold once again which wasn't the case when I last saw him. I checked up on him in the hospital. I needed to find some answers. As I peaked in I saw his room was nicely decorated with a lot of get well cards. Fangirls job, I chuckled.

"Sasuke-kun!" I said in a high-pitched voice.


"May I come in?" I continued in my high pitched voice. He didn't answer. I took it as a yes and barged into his room not bothering knocking.

"What do you want #random fangirl?" Sasuke didn't bother looking up.

"Ouch. I'm considered as your fangirl now. Wow, what joy." I said dryly.

"Oh, it's you." He looked up and straightened his posture.

"No, it's not, it's a ghost!" I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes. "Hn."

"Okay Uchiha, spill the beans." He didn't say anything, I've had enough of this. I saw a tint of black on his shoulder. No, it can't be. I stomped to him and grabbed his shirt, he didn't show a sign of struggle. I slid his shirt sideways, and I saw Orochimaru's curse seal. No. Not him too. My eyes narrowed, and a shadow cast my face.

"S-Shinju?" Sasuke asked nervously. I punched the wall creating a dent in it.

"Damn it!" I cussed. He gave me a confused look. "He got you as, well didn't he? The snake guy?"

He nodded solemnly. "Have you seen him before?"

I rose my shirt making the young Uchiha blush. He saw the same curse mark Orochimaru gave him. His eyes widened, and he blushed furiously. I noticed the blush.

"You like what you see Uchiha?" I smirked and decided to tease him a little. He slid under the covers. I was enjoying this, very much.

Sasuke's P.O.V

My hospital room was filled with get well cards. The nurses kept on giving me those fangirls cards. "Sasuke-kun!" A high-pitched voice came from the door. Not another one. I sighed in exasperation.


"May I come in?"

I didn't reply, and yet the fangirl persisted and had the nerve to come in. She entered the door. I didn't even bother looking at her. "What do you want #random fangirl?"

"Ouch. I'm considered as your fangirl now. Wow, what joy." My eyes widened, Shinju. I played it off cool. "Oh, it's you," I simply said.

"No, it's not, it's a ghost!" She said sarcastically. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.


"Okay, Uchiha spill the beans." She knew? Did she know a snake pedophile bit me? Thoughts swarmed my mind. She stomped over me and slid my shirt where the curse mark was. I tried not to blush at her bold move. A shadow cast her face, and her eyes narrowed.

"S-Shinju?" I tried to pick my words carefully. She punched the wall in frustration and cursed. "Damn it! He got you as, well didn't he? The snake guy?"

I nodded. Did she bump into the snake pedophile as well?

"Have you seen him before?" Did she have curse mark as well? She rose up her shirt which made me blush. Damn, she is well formed! I saw the curse mark on the side of her stomach.

"You like what you see Uchiha?" She teased me. I slid under the covers in embarrassment. She chuckled and left my room. "I won't bother you any longer. Good luck with your duel!" Man, this woman is going to be the death of me.

Shinju's P.O.V

Sasuke was discharged from the hospital the next day. As he was next for the preliminary round. According to the proctors, too many Genins ended up passing on the next stage. The rules are simple. You lose the duel you are up for the finals. Sasuke was up first. I've been confused with my emotions lately. Me being a pre-teen and never learned how to love, I couldn't help but feel a tug in my heart ever since Sasuke and I became mutual friends. I've been in the ANBU for too long. I was scared of how he would react. Yes, I the Death Shadow was scared of confessing.

"Hey, Shinju?" Sasuke approached me.

"Hm?" I played it off cool.

"Wish me good luck." He ordered.

"Sure, win over the ninja. Whatever." I said pretending not to care.

"Hn. Still as heartless as ever." He shrugged off and went to the arena like nothing happened. I shook off the feeling of his odd attitude. To sum it up Sasuke won. Sakura and Ino were equal, for the double knock out. I should've taken a picture of that. Naruto won against dog boy also known as Kiba.

I was proud of team 7, they came out all exhausted from their duels, but they achieved the preliminaries.

"Good job team 7!" I praised them. They thanked me and headed home. I grabbed Sasuke by the collar once everyone was gone. "Wait a moment Uchiha. What the heck was that?!"

"What was what?" He asked like nothing happened. I quirked a brow. "Oh, you mean -"

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