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Shinju's P.O.V

Tsunade-sama marked Sasuke rogue after rookie 9 tried to bring him back. Naruto was severely injured after his duel with Sasuke. He left the village with Jiraiya soon after he was healed. He told Sakura that he would bring Sasuke back. I didn't see him off, I was trying my best on avoiding team 7. I arrived at Tsunade's office.

"Tsunade-sama." I bowed.

"Yes?" My godmother looked up.

"I would like to bring back my title as Death Shadow. I've heard there were a few struggles on holding off rogue ninjas. I would like to go on a 2-year solo mission. I'll send a hawk every now and then. Now I just need to get stronger and reflect upon myself."

"Why such a sudden decision?" She took off her glasses.

"Team 7 lost a member, Naruto is out with Jiraiya, Sasuke's whereabouts are unknown, and Sakura is your apprentice. I think I need to go and distract myself as well. Tell Sakura I won't be here for a while."

Tsunade sighed. "It's about Sasuke isn't it."

I tensed up. "Please, let us not mention his name, please. I just need your permission and your list of SS rank missions, and I'm off."

"What about your father? What will he do?"

"He'll occupy himself with his perverted books, and mentoring ninjas."

"I accept your request, just before you go I want you to say goodbye to your father, he'll be heartbroken if you left without notifying him. You better get ready."

"Very well." I bowed to her one last time and shun-shined to my apartment. Not to my surprise, Dad was lounging on the couch with his book.


"Yes, Shinju?" He looked up.

"I'm leaving soon." I said monotonously.

"For a mission, I presume?" Dad raised an eyebrow.

"A long term one. 2 years." He put his book down and stood up quickly. "What? Why?" Dad looked at me, pain swarmed his eyes.

"Team 7 is apart and isn't going to be reunited for another year or two. I think it will be a good idea if I distract myself." I looked away.

"I don't want you to go. What if you get killed?!" Dad grabbed me by the shoulders.

"I promise I'll be back soon. You won't see the time pass. I'll send something every month or so." Dad walked away and went to his room and came back with a scroll. "Summoning Jutsu!"

A silver wolf appeared. "I knew this day would come when you would go on a long-term mission. Here, meet White Fang."

"White Fang? Like grandpa?" I quirked a brow.

"Yes, I named the wolf White Fang, take good care of him, would you?"

"Hey, my name is White Fang, it's nice to finally meet you!" White Fang chirped. He looked nice, and a worthy companion for my travels.

"My name's Shinju. I hope you'll catch up on my missions." I looked at him expectantly.

"Psh, please, I've been doing countless S ranked missions and not a scratch was laid on me." The silver wolf looked up proudly.

"He's bluffing, right?" I said unsurely. "No joke." Dad smiled.

"Cool!" My eyes shone in admiration.

"I'll send you money every month and that you won't go broke. I'll wait for you at the gates to send you off. Your bag is already packed for you." I thanked Dad and headed to the Hokage's office.

"Tsunade-sama, I'm ready." Tsunade gave me one final look and gave me a series of SSS ranked missions, about 10 scrolls were handed to me. "Shinju, I know this isn't enough, but I will send your wolf to tell you your next mission. Consider him as your own, private messenger. He has the ability to teleport, according to your father. It'll be useful." White Fang looked disgusted, to have him being served as a messenger. I smiled at him reassuringly. I gave Tsunade one final look, and I bid her and Shizune goodbye. I crossed Sakura at the hospital.


"Shinju. Where are you going like this?" She observed my bag.

"I'm going out traveling. I'll be back soon. Good luck with Tsunade. I remember training with her was a pain in the back." She nodded. I gave her a check. "Take care of yourself alright, become a strong kunoichi, I'm sure with all that potential in you, you could surpass the Fifth."

Her eyes widened and sparkled with determination. "You think?"

"I know so." I smiled behind my mask and left the hospital, and headed to the gates. I hugged Dad, tears threatening to spill.

"I'll see you later?" I looked at him.

"Yeah, take good care of White Fang, would you? Even if he could become a pain."

"No worries! See you, Dad, don't become like Jiraiya-sama, please! If you do, I promise I will seriously do something with your books." His eye widened and shook his head. "Still the same Shinju I know." I flashed away.

Who knows what the future holds? Who knows what is going to happen? Will I meet Sasuke again?

All I need to know is that I'm gonna kill the masked guy who murdered my mother. I never back on my word, and I never will. I will find you, idiotic mask, and when you do you will see your worst nightmare. This is what you've created. This is the official end of Shinju Hatake, welcome back Death Shadow, the manslayer everyone knew. 

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