Quality time

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Shinju's P.O.V

After my violin session, I noticed that I was soaking wet. Good thing I was in my underclothes. I saw Kakashi waiting for me. I headed towards him. His eyes snapped, and a dark aura surrounded him. "Kakashi, calm down, please. I have no idea why you are like this but please cool it." I unsealed a towel from my sealing scroll and secured the towel around me. "What is it Kakashi? Is there something you need to talk about?"

He sighed deeply. "I've had enough of you addressing me so formally. It hurts me you know. It feels like you are treating me like a total stranger." My eyes widened in realization, flashbacks coming in every direction. Kakashi, Inu, Kakashi-sensei. All these names flooded my head. I couldn't help but hug Dad.

"I'm sorry, Dad. It's just that I was worried about our safety. We've made countless enemies, I can't risk you putting yourself in danger. I didn't know it would sting this much I'm sorry." We stayed in a bone-crushing hug for 2 minutes, embracing all we can. I let go.



"I heard a few whispers, did the team look at my moves? I asked shyly.

"Yes, you danced beautifully. Just like your mother." Dad placed his hand on my cheek and I embraced his hand. He gave me one of his rare smiles. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. While you were having your violin session, we only saw your silhouette. Naruto thought you were my girlfriend." I chocked on my own saliva.

"Yeah, I don't think incest is in my book. That is purely disgusting." I said in disgust.

"I couldn't agree more." We both sat down on the tree spending some quality time together. We haven't done this in a while. I missed this.

Kakashi's P.O.V

This is what I wanted. Quality time with my own daughter. Who could ask for more? Usually, she would be on missions, or too exhausted to talk. This is what I needed. I had to send my condolences to Lord Third. Once Shinju was all dried up, she got out her sealing scroll again, and got out my old clothes. Let me rephrase that, she got out her clothes, and we headed back.

"I call for a piggyback ride!" She jumped on my back, making me trip slightly.

"Ack! A little warning next time would be nice."

"Ah, sorry!" She said sheepishly. This made me smile, she was back to her old self. Before she joined the ANBU unit. I knew this wouldn't last for long since we were still on missions, however, this little quality time healed me, I think it healed Shinju as well.

"Shinju, I think we should be more like this at home when you are off missions. I feel like we haven't opened up to each other like this for a while."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for the things I said and how I addressed you however, if you don't mind, I would like to keep on addressing you Sensei, and Inu when we're on missions and when we are with the team. The rest of the time I'll call you Dad."

"Sounds good." I smiled at her. We walked back to Tazuna's house and Shinju got off me, before opening the door she turned to me.

"Thanks for the chat and the piggyback ride. I really needed it, Dad." She smiled at me and opened the door, only to be welcomed by her other teammates commenting on her moves, which made her embarrassed.

Shinju's P.O.V

Kakashi planned the room arrangements, however, the team argued once again. "Alright, Sakura you are with Shinju, Naruto with Sasuke."

"Kakashi-sensei, I don't want to sleep with the idiot."

"My sentimental exactly I don't want to hear you snore. Don't argue with me, I know you snore. Back in the Academy, you would fall asleep in class and we could all hear you snore." Sasuke explained.

"Change of plan, Sasuke with Shinju, Naruto with Sakura, no arguments," Kakashi confirmed. We all went to our designated rooms. Not a word was spoken when Sasuke and I entered the room. I laid a futon which was placed in the corner of the room. I turned around to change in my night clothes, which was similar to my ANBU uniform, minus the gloves and metal shins for my forearms. I wore a sleeveless blue-black shirt. I wore ANBU pants and I was set for the night.


"Hn." Was all he said. "Let's not kill each other for the time being, we have to be rational. Oh, and tell me when I can turn around." I said in a calm tone. "You can turn around now." I saw Sasuke in his clan t-shirt with black shorts.

"Let's go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us." I laid on the futon, not a single word was said between us. 






I DIDN'T REALISE HOW CRINGY AND POORLY WRITTEN THIS WORK WAS UNTIL NOW. THE COMMENTS AND CRITICS never fail to painfully remind me of how bad this story is.  On the OTHER HAND, it MOTIVATES ME to make it BETTER. 

So, THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH THIS STORY AND ITS POOR PLOT LINE as well as my Grade 8 level writing.  



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