Tsunade Senju

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Shinju's P.O.V

Lord Third's death was grieved for a while in Konoha. Eventually after a month Konoha was back to normal, apart from one thing, Sasuke was heavily injured and was trapped in a genjutsu for days. I concluded it was Itachi's doing. Konoha was now heavily guarded, and the Chunin exams were interrupted, causing everyone to go back to their designated villages. The security rules were more severe, Kakashi was in the hospital from overusing the Sharingan. The idiot.

Lee had a fractured back after the confrontation with Gaara. Our medic ninjas were incapable of healing him. I visited them once in a while. Sakura and Ino were weeping, Sasuke was still unconscious, but we could see he was in unbearable pain. I tried to dispel the genjutsu, it worked, but he had massive side effects. Fever and an excruciating headache. We cooled him down every hour with ice packs, but he was still in pain.

"Please stay..." He would moan, every time I would leave his room. I would always say to him.

"I have to guard Konoha, it's also my duty."

Eventually, a hawk came to the elders, and Tsunade was elected our Fifth Hokage. Everyone set a celebration for Tsunade's return. I was the first one to greet her. "Tsunade-sama, welcome back to Konoha, welcome back Shizune, as well as Ton-ton."

"Shinju?" Tsunade looked at me in disbelief.

"It's been a while Tsunade-sama." Tsunade hugged me and squished me into her breasts.

"It's been so long Shinju! You've grown!" She let me go from her death grip.

I quickly composed myself, not wanting to harm my status further. "May I have the honor to escort you to your office?"

"Yes please." We headed to the Hokage's office. She sat down and dismissed everyone but held me back. She then inspected every file and saw mine.

"Shinju Hatake, also known as Death Shadow. A SSS rank ninja, killed countless shinobis, identity unknown, gender unknown, age unknown. Shinju Hatake; ANBU Captain, assassin unit. Became ANBU at nine, Captain at eleven." Tsunade sighed and rubbed her temples in exasperation. "I've heard rumors of the Death Shadow. To be honest, I feared it as well. The last time I saw you, you were already a Jonin. What happened when I was gone? Why have you become like this?"

"It was my choice Tsunade-sama," I said formally.

"Drop the formalities, please. I don't want to be called like that. Especially not from my goddaughter." I nodded. "You are just like your father you know?"

"I get that a lot Tsunade." I straightened up.

"It's the truth Shinju." My godmother sighed.

"Tsunade-sama, as much as I want to discuss more with you, I have to guard Konoha, congratulations on becoming the Fifth Hokage."

"Hold it Shinju. I'm on my way to the hospital. I heard several people were injured from Orochimaru's invasion. I need you to show me the patients."

"Very well. Follow me."

Tsunade's P.O.V

I was happy to be back in Konoha, what shocked me the most is how Shinju has grown. She greeted me formally, not like the last time when she would run and tackle me. I dismissed everyone once we arrived at the Hokage's office. I inspected her files and asked her to remain in my office.

"Shinju Hatake, also known as Death Shadow. A criminal SSS rank, killed countless shinobis, identity unknown, gender unknown, age unknown. Shinju Hatake; ANBU Captain, assassin unit. Became ANBU at nine Captain at eleven." I sighed and rubbed my temples in exasperation. Why now? "I've heard rumors of the Death Shadow. To be honest, I feared it as well. The last time I saw you, you were already a Jonin. What happened when I was gone? Why have you become like this?"

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