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Shinju's P.O.V

My vision was more focused and I the first thing I saw were metal bars. I tried to move but all I heard were shackles rattling. I tried to speak, scream, but they were only muffled. I heard footsteps coming toward me. I recognized those shoes, and those clothes, the guy who held our ninja hostage!

"Ha-ha! You thought our plan failed, It worked perfectly, we were thinking of bringing the gray-haired ninja, but when we saw you, and him we saw a resemblance between you two. Back on the bridge you saw were shadow clones. We were following you the whole time. Now we will use you as bait against Hanare." They rose me up from the chains.

"But first, I think we should have a little fun with you." The man smirked maniacally. Another man held a knife and stabbed me on the side.

"Argh!" I spat blood. What? What kind of method is this?

"We'll be back soon. Your friends should be getting you soon. I hope you have your grave prepared..." He got out a paper soaking it in my own blood. He left the cell with his cackle echoing the hall. The bastard! Dad, please come get me soon, I'll be bleeding to death soon.

Kakashi's P.O.V

We came back to Konoha in silence, the bait was canceled. I had to apologize to Shinju. Kotetsu and Izumo came to greet me.

"Hi, did Shinju come back?" I greeted them.

"About that Kakashi-san, we haven't seen her since."

That's weird. Usually, she would've come back by now. She must be at the training grounds. I headed to our apartment, with Hanare in the hands of Kotetsu. I arrived at the apartment only to find a window opened. I got out a kunai, staying high on my guard. I went upstairs to Shinju's room and saw a note covered in dried blood. I held it.

Your precious daughter is in our hands, give us Hanare, and we will give her back. Your time is running out...This is her blood....

My eyes widened. Shinju.... No! No! No! I summoned Pakun.

"Pakun, smell this blood, please don't tell me it's her blood," I said desperately.

"I'm sorry Kakashi-san, unfortunately, it's her blood." I left the house in a rush, leaving a breeze behind and crossing team 7 who soon followed.

"Lord Third!" I barged in.

"Kakashi, it's very unlike you to barge in, what happened?!" I gave him the note, his calm expression changed and looked at me grimly. "Get going now! Team 7 follow Kakashi, he'll need your help!"

Pakun smelled her scent, and I ran faster than I ever did. Team 7 had a hard time catching up with me. Kotetsu and Izumo appeared, with Hanare hands tied up and on Kotetsu. Pakun stopped at an entrance cave. Team 7 were breathless, I felt sorry for them, but if I lost Shinju I would never forgive myself. "Down there!"

We rushed downstairs, and we were greeted by a long hallway with torches. Two silhouettes were standing beside a cell. We all got out our weapons. "No need for that Hatake Kakashi. You have what we need, we have what you need." They both stepped out of the shadows revealing themselves. The two hosts from the day earlier.

We heard shackles behind, they unlocked the cell, and grabbed Shinju by her hair and threw her out. She groaned in pain from the impact. She was in an awful condition, she was covered in dirt and blood all over, she had shackled on her wrists and on her feet. They were both raw from the friction.

"What did you do to her?" I demanded with my tone dangerously low.

"We stabbed her, she is nearly bleeding to death. I suggest you return Hanare to us." The man simply said. My vision became black, and something snapped inside me.

Author's P.O.V

"Give me Hanare," Kakashi said in a deep voice, no one dared to argue. Kotetsu handed Hanare immediately. Team 7 looked in horror at Shinju's condition, she was sprawled on the floor, and wasn't in the best condition. Kotetsu held Shinju bridal style and wrapped her wound. Kakashi gripped Hanare's arm, turned her forward, and plunged a kunai in a vital spot.

"Here is Hanare, in the same condition as you gave me Shinju."

His voice was unrecognizable, almost as hard as stone. Team 7 knew he wasn't their sensei they knew, he was a completely different person. Hanare collapsed on the floor shaking in pain, shocked at what he has just done to her. Pakun sniffed out who was the one who stabbed Shinju and pointed out who it was. Kakashi put the two hosts under a powerful genjutsu showing their worst fear and killed them a second later. Creating a puddle of blood.

"Let's go," Kakashi said not looking back. His team would no longer see their teacher the same way after the scene they've just witnessed. They all knew, if someone messed with his daughter, they would die in a blink of an eye. 

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