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Shinju's P.O.V

A little boy, who I soon discovered was named Inari, rushed to his grandfather; Tazuna.

"Inari, that is very rude, you can say hi to our guests as well." He gave me a small but cute glare.

"You have to get out of here, they will kill you..." Inari warned. Gato...What have you done to these innocent people? I smiled at Inari. "It's fine, don't worry we'll protect you." He ran away, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry about that, Inari just wanted to warn you..." Tsunami apologized.

"It's fine, I'm used to it." I walked away, heading outside. I saw Sakura ogling at Sasuke and Naruto who was trying to get her attention. What a love triangle.

"Sakura, you are waited at the house, Tsunami will need your help at cooking."

"Why don't you do it?" She brushed me off, I tried to keep my cool.

"I don't know how to cook. She asked for YOU, not ME. I suggest if you want to keep a good impression, you might want to head there. I'll take the lead." She pouted and stomped to the house with her arms crossed. What a child.

"Oi, boys I got you snacks, and some water, you might want to take a break." Naruto rushed down. He was halfway on climbing the tree. I was proud of him. I gave him a rice ball which he gladly accepted. Of course, the 'great' Uchiha, hesitated first, and he kept on training. Naruto thanked me and went to go for a pee.

"I wonder where I placed the tomato?" I said tauntingly trying to lure him. I was right, he perked up when he heard tomato and jumped straight down. He blushed in embarrassment, having difficulty to ask me.

"Uh, can...I get the tomato?" Sasuke looked away in embarrassment. I smiled at him and gave him one. He ate the tomato enjoying every bite. I blinked, who was Sasuke and what has the tomato done to him? Once he finished the tomato, he became the Sasuke that we all once knew.

He walked away, leaving me clueless. What just happened? I shook my head, and Naruto came back from his bathroom break.

"Let's call it a day. It's getting dark, we should head back." We all headed back, not a word was exchanged between us. We were all greeted by the delicious smell. The table was already set, Sakura was cleaning the dishes still pouting. Kakashi-sensei was reading his book. And finally, Tazuna was reviewing his plans for the bridge.

"Dinner time everyone!" Tsunami exclaimed. We all ate in silence, apart from the fact that Naruto and Sasuke were chugging and gulping the food.

"Fourth's please!" They both yelled in synchronization, they widened their eyes in realization. They turned their heads and glared at each other. I ate my food, while I was reading special ninjutsu. This book was interesting. There were a few jutsu's I didn't know that was created from my father. Which made me give some respect to the old man.

"Naruto, Sasuke," They both looked up. "You will not have fourth's, especially if you are puking everything. It's making everyone lose their appetite. So, please be reasonable and go upstairs to rest." I said trying to keep my cool.

"Say, Tazuna-san? Why Tazuna-san? Why is the picture torn in the frame?" Sakura asked. A shadow cast my eyes, and silence fell in the room. Inari left without saying a word. "Sakura, you should know, you can't ask people about pictures. Especially when they are torn." I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Sakura apologized.

"No. It's time that you know about Gato and his men... Kaiza was Inari's stepfather. His biological father died shortly after his birth. When Gato and his men infiltrated our land, Kaiza decided to confront them. He got tortured by Gato's men and got crucified. After Gato announced his warning, Kaiza got executed. Inari saw the whole thing. Now, because of that, Inari lost complete hope." Tazuna explained.

"Why?" I began. "Why did he have to see this at such a young age? Why did he have to see this? Why does this world contain people who are cruel?" I asked, more to myself. Naruto tried to stand up but only landed on his stomach.

"Naruto what are you doing? You should be resting. You wasted too much chakra." Kakashi warned.

"I'm going to show him that heroes do exist." His eyes were filled with determination. Naruto limped to the door and headed outside. I sighed and carried the dishes to Tsunami.

"I'm going outside, I need to blow off some steam Kakashi." Kakashi gave me once again a pained look.

Kakashi's P.O.V

"I'm going outside, I need to blow off some steam Kakashi." That statement again stung me like a bee. It's reasonable that Shinju doesn't address me 'Dad,' but I didn't know how much it hurt until now. I know it' to protect both of us, but we're in Tazuna's house. There is no need for her to address me so formally. It's like she doesn't know me. I decided to confront her.

"Sakura, I'm going out for a while. Please guard Tazuna's family for me. I'll be back soon. «I took the crutch and headed to where Shinju headed. I summoned my dog; Pakun.

"Kakashi aren't you looking in shape."

"Very funny Pakun. I need you to find Shinju."

Pakun knew the scent of Shinju like the back of his nose. I heard a violin play in the forest. My eye softened, Shinju... Pakun and I followed the direction of the music only to find Shinju dancing with her violin.

She must have packed it in one of her sealing scrolls. She danced on the water gracefully, just like her mother. I gave her Yuki's old music sheets. Master of tides, fits perfectly with the environment surrounding her. I heard someone mumbling. I sensed the Nine tail's Chakra. Naruto was approaching...

"Who is playing the violin at this hour?" Naruto rubbed his eyes, once his eyes widened he had a shocked expression.

"How can she walk on water? Who is she? Your secret admirer Kakashi-sensei?" I chocked, I don't think incest was in my book. "No..." I tried to regain my composure.

"Naruto, you idiot! It's Shinju!" Sakura whisper-yelled.

"S-Shinju?!" Naruto stammered.

"Can you two be quiet? I'm trying to listen." Sasuke came out of nowhere.

"Anything for you Sasuke-kun." Hearts filled Sakura's eyes as she clasped her hands together. We all stared at Shinju, I looked at her nostalgically. All of a sudden Yuki's image appeared on Shinju, which made my eyes widen.

"Yuki..." I whispered. "She's grown into a fine woman."

Team 7 gave me confused looks, and Naruto looked at me with sympathy and smiled. She did twirls when the beat got faster, creating small drops of water. Her hair was the wind, the water creating spirals around her. Dancing with a violin seemed impossible, but when I see Shinju, I know she can do the impossible. Once the last note was played, silence filled the warm atmosphere. I asked team 7 to leave. I waited for Shinju in the forest. I heard her footsteps with my eye closed.

I looked up, only to see Shinju, all wet, in her training bra and dance shorts. Then it hit me; the boys saw her in her underclothes.

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