Battle on the Bridge

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Sasuke's P.O.V

The morning birds woke me up, I sat up and saw Shinju sleeping with her arms wide open, and her breath slowly rising and falling. The sunlight hugging her body, and her hair was spread on the wooden floor. I was about to wake her up, in a flash, she pinned me to the ground, holding a kunai on my throat. My eyes widened in shock. What just happened? I blushed at how close her face was to mine. Her eyes widened in realization.

"Duck-butt?" Duck-butt? That's a new name. I better add that one to the list. "What? How?"

"I was trying to wake you up for breakfast. You pinned me to the ground. It must be one of your reflexes." I said. She blinked twice and blushed at how awkward our position was. I realized what position we were in. This was very awkward, we heard footsteps. We scrambled away. Everything went in slow motion, the door slid and saw Kakashi-sensei.

"I heard a thud. What happened? Don't tell me you guys fought again?" Kakashi-sensei asked in an uninterested tone.

"No, just a little dispute, nothing important Kakashi," Shinju said emotionless.

"Well if it isn't important then I have nothing to worry." Kakashi smiled at us. Kakashi-sensei left, and his footsteps were no longer heard.

"Not a word Sasuke. Be glad I saved our butts." She seethed.

Shinju's P.O.V

After my little 'threat' I left the room, trying to regain my composure. I sauntered downstairs to only see Kakashi, Sakura, and Tazuna's family.

"Kakashi, where is Naruto?"

"He's out training to obtain his Chakra control." I heard Sasuke saunter downstairs.

"Sasuke-kun! Good morning!" Sakura gushed. He ignored her as usual, making her slump a little. I left to the construction of the bridge.

"Good morning Tazuna, do you need help with anything?"

"Ah, good morning Shinju, I'll need help with logs. Would you be so kind and deliver this to my comrades?" I nodded and brought the logs to the other bridge builders only to find them knocked out. A few of them were fatally injured, and most of them were dead. I heard a groan, I dropped everything and ran to the nearly dead bridge builder. "Excuse me, can you hear me?"

"S-Shinju?" The builder groaned in pain.

"What happened?!" I interrogated him.

"G-Gato's men...Ambushed us." He struggled to speak. I used my healing ninjutsu, but he put a hand on me. "Don't waste your energy...You are bridge. Go..."

I nodded and sprinted to Tazuna's house, I found bodies and Inari with Naruto who was comforting him. I smiled at the sight and entered the house. I got changed into my ANBU clothes and left the house in a flash. I saw Kakashi interacting with Zabuza and Haku. Sasuke was trembling, and Sakura was with Tazuna. "Aw, look the kid is trembling."

"I'm trembling...with excitement," Sasuke smirked in confidence.

"Go on Sasuke." Kakashi encouraged him.

Zabuza signaled for Haku to confront Sasuke, and they got into a taijutsu match, him being the fastest. Haku becoming fed up, made hand signs, and Sasuke was trapped in an ice mirror dome. My eyes widened. Kekkei Genkai. No wonder Haku was assigned in the ANBU. Thanks to the ice mirror, Haku can move at the speed of light, overpowering Sasuke. The young ANBU then threw senbons at Sasuke, making him groan in pain. I had to make my appearance once again. I flashed to the bridge in front of Zabuza, making him flinch.

"Death Shadow. Making your appearance once again? What is the reason?"

"I hate seeing Genins being taken down by an out-matched opponent." I turned to Kakashi.

"Copy Cat, I'll let you take Zabuza, I'll help the Uchiha." I flashed to Sasuke, who was having difficulty in deflecting the senbons. I deflected them with ease.

Haku was extremely fast, which impressed me. My Sharingan helped me keep up with Haku's pace. I threw an explosive kunai, but Haku displaced himself last minute, which made me growl in frustration.

"Death Shadow," Sasuke said while deflecting the senbons. "What is the plan?"

"I'm trying to deflect as many senbons as possible Sasuke. However, I haven't come up with a plan, or find a weakness. Right now, deflect the senbons. I heard that they can be painful when they hit you."

I tried to find Haku's weak spot but failed. Sakura tried to destroy the dome from the inside, but it didn't work.

"Uzumaki Naruto has come to save the day!" Naruto came into the dome. Idiot, that was a bad decision.

"You, idiot what are you doing here?!" He gave us a big smile. "For reinforcements, of course!"

"As much as I like your enthusiasm and determination. We need a plan Uzumaki." I said in a cold tone.

"You guys seem to be handling my senbons pretty well, but how about a tenfold?!" The senbons headed straight towards Naruto, he tried to shield himself from senbons but was blocked by Sasuke.

"You idiot why did you do that?!" Naruto cried.

"I don't know my body just moved by itself." Sasuke collapsed, and Naruto caught him.

"I guess I didn't fulfill my dream of avenging Itachi...Naruto...realize your dream of being Hokage...."

His eyes closed slowly. I gripped my sword tightly. Another companion dead. I felt a powerful chakra surging through Naruto. My eyes widened, it was the Nine-Tails chakra. Naruto made a fist and in one blow part of the dome was damaged.

"I'm going to kill you!!" He smashed the ice mirrors making Haku's mask fall. Behind his masked revealed a very feminine face. His complexion was beyond every girl's beauty. I shook away those thoughts and attacked him. Naruto was in pure shock. Did he meet Haku before? I heard a Chidori, Kakashi must be in his final round of the battle. I watched the scene unravel in slow motion. Haku jumped in Kakashi's attack, he died instantly and collapsed to the ground.

"Good job, Haku." Zabuza chuckled. I spat in disgust, Haku was used as his tool after all.

"Copy Cat, why don't you check on Sasuke for me. I'll deal with Zabuza, we need to continue on what we left off."

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