Three-man team

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Shinju's P.O.V


I swear this alarm clock is going to be the death of me... My hair was a mess, I had dark circles under my eyes, and my pyjamas were all wrinkled. I stayed in bed for a few minutes, thoughts swarmed in my brain. I debated if I had to get out of bed now, or later. With all the courage I had, I jumped out of bed and sauntered downstairs mumbling and complaining about my stupid alarm clock, and how I was not able to do S-ranked missions.

"Good morning Shinju!" Dad said in a chirp-full voice. I grumbled in return. He kissed my temple. I grabbed an apple and headed back to my room to change into my Dad's old clothes.

For some reason, I became attached to Dad's clothes. Probably because they were lighter and more comfortable to fight with, it was also casual at the same time. I sauntered downstairs once again. By wearing my father's clothes, wearing a mask and having my headband covering my left eye, I officially look like a female version of my father when he was younger.

"Ah, Shinju I forgot, Lord Third wants to see you. He wants to interrogate you, about the Academy." Dad said as he was getting ready as well.

"Okay. I'm heading out." I sunk my hands into my pockets. I headed out to the Hokage Tower. I knocked on the door. "Come in." A raspy voice replied. I entered. "Ah, Shinju I've" He looked up and stumbled on his words. The Third looked at me in awe before saying; "Kakashi?"

"No, it's Shinju. I stole my father's clothes," I cleared my throat. "Long story, any way you asked for my audience?"

"Yes. I wanted to ask you about the Academy."

"With all due respect, Lord Third. I know all the things the Academy teaches. I haven't made any friends, yet."

"I see. It'll get better, this is why you are assigned to a three-man team." I nodded, slowly screaming eternally. "You are dismissed."

I teleported to the Academy, finding myself in front of the door. I peeked and saw all the graduates were here. Naruto was there as well, which made me smile a little. I came in not even giving a damn about anything. Sakura pointed out at me. "Shinju you're late."

I had the nerve to roll my eyes at her stupidity. "Oh my god. What are you going to do bubble gum princess, tell Iruka?"

"W-well of course." Sakura stumbled on her words.

"He's not even here, and the bell hasn't even rung yet. So, I think it's you who is rather early, as well as I am. So, shut it."

A bunch of oohs, and 'burns' were said to Sakura. She fumed and folded her arms childishly. Sakura sat back, she still had the pride of holding her head high. A few minutes later Iruka came in and told us our assigned teams.

"...Blah...blah...blah. Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and finally Hatake Shinju." I looked up. To sum it up, I had a Hyperactive Boy, a Fangirl, and an Avenger. What a great team I had! We were all going along very well.

Iruka told us our sensei were going to collect us. We waited patiently. The other teams were already gone with their senseis. Where was ours? Why did I have a hunch who our sensei was? I decided to read a book since there was nothing else to do. After 2 hours of waiting, Naruto lost his patience and decided to put a whiteboard eraser at the door, to pull a prank. The door finally slid open and revealed Kakashi entering our classroom. The whiteboard eraser fell on his head and hit him. Naruto laughed at his lowkey prank. Sakura being the goody two shoes tried to apologize. We all knew she liked the joke, she was a pure and plain hypocrite.

"My first impression is, I hate you all." Everyone looked downcast, and I stared at him, unaffected by his statement. "Meet me on the rooftop." He teleported up to the rooftop. I climbed out of the window, once the rest of the team got out of the room. I walked up the roof, jumped on the railing giving my Dad a lazy salute. "'Sup."

"Yo. What did Lord Third ask you?"

"How was my time at the Academy. I told him I learned everything, also that I still didn't have any friends."

"Hm." The rest of my team finally arrived. Kakashi asked them what they like, their dislikes, hobbies, and their dreams for the future.

"My name is Kakashi Hatake, things I like, things I hate don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future, I never thought about it. As for hobbies, I have lots of hobbies." What an introduction Kakashi, someone gives him an award for the bluntest statement in history!

"The guy on the right, your turn."

Naruto fiddled with his headband "I'm Naruto Uzumaki I like instant Ramen in a cup, I really like when Iruka-sensei treats me, at Ichiraku's. I hate when I have to wait for the ramen to cook for three minutes. My hobbies are to try ramen and to compare them with other types ramen. My dream is to become Hokage."

Wow, his likes are definitely not relevant to his dream. All he talked was about ramen until he came on the subject of becoming Hokage. That didn't make sense at all.

"The pink haired girl, your turn."

"My name is Sakura Haruno, I like," Sakura glanced at Sasuke lovingly. "My hobbies are," Sakura peeked at Sasuke again, "and my dream is," She looked at him again sheepishly and squealed. "And your dislikes?" Dad asked, "Naruto, and Shinju." Sakura said bluntly.

Naruto fell dramatically and cried. I didn't care one bit, she was the definition of annoying and obsessive yandere woman.

"So, what you are trying to tell us is that you like Sasuke, your hobbies are to stalk Sasuke, and your dream is to have babies with him." I summed up what she didn't mention before. She turned red in embarrassment, as Sasuke slowly moved away from her.

"Alright, you with black hair." Dad pointed at the Uchiha.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I don't particularly like anything, I dislike many things, my dream is to restore my clan and to kill someone, to revenge my clan..." After his dark introduction, silence fell, and the wind blew. Sakura looked at him in admiration as for Naruto, he looked at him in fear.

"So, you want to have babies, and kill someone. Wow, what a nice and jolly introduction." He glared at me, and I smiled back.

"And last but not least."

"The names Shinju Hatake, I like and dislike many things, my dream, kill the man who killed my Mom," I said in a cold tone. Silence fell once again. Sakura looked at me and back to my father noticing the resemblance.

"Are you two related?" Sakura asked.

"Yes," I sighed. Our sensei is my father."

"Eh?!" Naruto exclaimed incredulously.

"Tomorrow we are going to do a survival exercise, a bell test." Everyone looked at Kakashi.

"Aw man, another test?" Naruto complained. "We already had a clone test!"

"Yes, it's an entrance exam to see if you're ready to become real Genins. I suggest you don't eat breakfast. We meet on training ground number 3 at 5:30 in the morning don't be late." Kakashi left by teleportation.

"Well, I guess it's my queue, see you guys tomorrow." I jumped off the rooftop and headed to my training ground.

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