Team Death Shadow

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Shinju's P.O.V

I entered the apartment, seeing dad reading his inappropriate book as usual. "I'm back." Dad looked up. "Hi. How was the meeting."

"Boring. I'm going to prepare lunch, are you hungry?"


That ticked me off. Dad, I am not your servant. I took a deep breath. "Would you like miso soup?" I said in a sickly-sweet tone.

"You would do that for me?" He said in an uninterested tone. That's it! I changed my expression into an angry and aggravated one.

"Well. You can cook it yourself, I'm making mine and not yours!" His eyes widened, realizing what he said. He rushed up and set the table in a flash. Then he got out the materials needed and the ingredients.

"Sorry, I was into my book and ignored you," Dad said sheepishly rubbing his hand on his neck, giving me a smile. "Hn. You know I hate it when you do that Dad. I swear if you do that again I am going to burn your books. His eyes widened

" I'm begging you don't do this to me!" I smiled "No promises." I prepared our lunch, and we ate. The miso soup was delicious. Suddenly I spotted a hawk flying around Konoha. Dad acknowledged it as well. He gave me a knowing look, I nodded, equipped myself and teleported to the Hokage's office,

"There is the Shinju I know, the punctual and serious one." I gave the Hokage a deadpanned expression. He smiled innocently. God, I hate it when he does that. Soon my team arrived. Wolf, Fox, and Tiger were all in a kneeling position, as well as I was.

"Hokage-sama" I began, "You summoned us. Have the rogue ninjas been spotted near our borders."

"Yes, they have been spotted. The rogue ninjas are headed to the gates. I would appreciate if your team would proceed this fight in the woods. Dismissed." We then headed to the outskirts of Konoha.

"Wolf " He approached, "Scout the West part of Konoha, stop within five kilometers. You have the earpiece, you know what to say. Fox, scout North, Tiger scout South. I'll scout East. Dismissed." I ordered. We all went out to our positions. I watched it closely. After five minutes, I turned on my earpiece,

"Death Shadow, do you copy?" No one answered. I said more urgently. "Team Death Shadow, do you copy?" Still no answer. Something must have happened. Usually, my team would've replied immediately. Meaning, they have been already knocked out, how- All of a sudden, I heard a whizz coming my way, a kunai, by the smell I could tell it's poisonous. I dodged the poisoned kunai with ease and performed a backflip landing on the grass, lightly. Before my opponents could see my full form, I flash and circled the two men. This was a tactic to analyze my opponents.

The first one had a sword. Might be a level ANBU Black OPS, and for the other one. It might as well be an undeveloped Jonin. Age: 18-20. It was pathetic. Suna couldn't even hold them off. I wonder how their methods were used to train in the Academy because this was pathetic.

".... Death Shadow."

They finally realized, who was encircling them. Took the morons long enough. The Jonin cowered in fear, while the ANBU flinched. Pathetic I thought they were better than this. I thought they defeated Suna, and now they cower in fear. Idiots, however, something was not right. Two bandits recoiling in horror, and Suna wasn't able to stop them. This meant they could be hiding some secret jutsu, and masking their talents. I got into my stance, the three of us started with a staring contest. The ANBU ninja made its first move by beginning with a small Katon justu. "Katon! Gōkakyū no jutsu (Fireball)"

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