Meeting My Idol's

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The next morning my alarm went off but I turned off my phone and continued to sleep. I herd the guys knocking at my door trying to wake me up but I didn't move. I fell back to sleep one I heard the front door close. I didn't wake up until twelve in the afternoon so I decided to get ready. I turned on my speaker and connected to m phone. I stared to listen to my music and got ready.

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       I grabbed my phone, my wallet and extra makeup

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       I grabbed my phone, my wallet and extra makeup. I walked down stairs and I was about to leave when I saw someone sitting on couch and they scared the fuck out of me.

"Shit Kyle you scare me" I said.

"Sorry I was just waiting when you will you come down stairs" he said.

"What are you don't here?" I asked him.

"I didn't want to go to school so I stayed here" he said.

"Well I am going to get food you want to go with me?" I asked him.

"Sure" he did and got up from him couch.

Me and Kyle when to Denny's and it was pretty empty. For Denny's it was empty their weren't as many people fro the regular Denny's day. Me and Kyle got a table and we sat down and ordered. I got a lumberjack and Kyle got moons over my hammy. Me and Kyle were talk about some random shit.

"So I want to get gauges" Kyle said.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah I want to get it today do you want to come with me?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'll go with you" I said.

"What about you do you want any piercings?" He asked me.

"Um I had my nose and lip pierced but when I went to jail I had to take them out and holes closed up" I said.

"Why did you go to jail?" He asked.

"That's another conversation for another day" I said.

"Ok" he simple said.

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