The End

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10 Year Later

          I have left with Liam for ten years now and I haven't talk or heard about my family. I had become Liam's right hand in command and I became once again a killer. Coraline is fifteen now and I am thirty four. Liam was going to release me but I'll still be working for him. I also haven't been back home in ten years so everything will be different. Sebastian and Riot both raised Coraline but I don't know if they will ever forgive me. I was back home and Sebastian and the rest have been living in the same house. I knocked on the door and Sebastian opened the door.

"Hi" he said.

"Hey Sebastian" I said.

"Um do I know you?" He asked confused.

"It's only been ten years how can you forget your best friend" I said.

"Mia" he said wide eye.

"Hey" I said.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I am back" I said.

"Leave and don't ever come back" he said.

"Sebastian what do you mean?" I asked.

"We haven't heard from you in ten years I have been worried sick about you for the past ten years, Coraline has erased you from her memory and me and Riot have been tasing her as our own for the past ten years" he said getting mad.

"I had to go or you would have gotten hurt I had no other choice I will much rather die then have you guys die" I said.

"Don't ever come near Coraline or that will be the last thing you do" he said.

"You can't keep me from my daughter" I said.

"She is my daughter not your you lost her the moment you left" he said.

"You let me see her" I said.

"No" he said.

"Sebastian I don't want to hurt you I want to see my daughter" I said.

"You'll have to kill me if you want to see her again" he said.

"Consider it done" I said.

          In a swift moment I stared to hit Sebastian. We were now fighting in the living room. I kept dodging his hits and he dodged mine. I felt someone hit me in the back of the head. I took a few steps back and saw Coraline. She looked like me and a lot more to Alex. She had Alex's hair and my eyes.

"Coraline" I whispered.

"Who are you and what do you want" Coraline said.

"Coraline I am your-" I was cut off by Sebastian.

"Don't" Sebastian said.

"She has a right to know" I said.

"She will never forgive you" he said.

"I'll explain everything" I said.

"Who are you?" Coraline asked again.

"She's no one" Sebastian said.

"Let me just tell her who I am and then I'll leave forever this time" I said.

"No" Sebastian said.

"Tell me what?" Coraline asked.

"I am your mom" I said.

"Mom?" Coraline asked.

"It's me Coraline" I said.

"You told me my mom and Dad died in a car accident" Coraline said.

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