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        "Knock Knock Knock* I head someone knocking on my door. I whined and got up to open the door. I slowly got up and the person was getting more and more impatient. I finally had strength to say something.

"Ok ok I'm coming chill" I said and swung the door open. "What" I said in the rudest voice seeing Blake.

"You look like you got hit by a buss" Blake said.

"Good morning to you too" I said.

"Well we are almost leaving for school" he said.

"I don't care I am going back to sleep" I said.

"Where were yesterday?" He asked.

"No where" I said.

"Then why did you came home at four in the morning" he said.

"Where you waiting for me to get home?" I asked.

"No I was in the kitchen" he said.

"Well I was out at a party now leave I need to sleep" I said.

"Sure you weren't with Sebastian" he said.

"How Do you know about him?" I questioned him.

"See you later" he said. He walked off I followed behind him until we were in between the hall.

"How Do you know about Sebastian?" I asked again racing my voice

"More then what you think I know" he said.

"I am going to punch you if you don't tell me what you know" I said.

"Sebastian your dear so called best friend did what you didn't do, you took the blame for him he was the one who should have rot in jail not you" he said.

"It wasn't his fault" I whispered.

"Look I am sorry but you didn't do that to that girl it was him, and you did a good job at lying so you won't get more then a live time and you lied for him" he said.

"I had to I didn't want him to leave me he know what happen it was her fault" I said.

"She set him up and it went wrong you took the blame when you shouldn't have had" he said.

"Just leave me alone" I said and walked away.

"No" he said and grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

"It shouldn't have been you" he whispered on my ear.

"I hate you" I said.

       I let lose of him grip and went to my room and locked the door. I sobbed into my pillow until I had fallen asleep. I woke up to me screaming and sweating every where. I had a nightmare and I looked at the clock and it was non. I got up and when to the bathroom. I opened my first drawer and took out a small red box. Five blades where their some had dried blood and others didn't. I turned on the water on my bathroom. I stripped from my clothes and when into the bathroom with my blade. I let the hot water hit my body as I cut into my arms.

"It's all my fault, It's all my fault, It's all my fault, It's all my fault" I repeated to myself.

        A cut after the other. I opened new cuts I cut open cuts that have been closed. I did about twenty on each arm. I washed my body and my hair and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed an underwear and a bra and changed into some clothes I did a light makeup and when to the kitchen to get something to eat.

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