He's Gone

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       The next morning I woke up to my head pounding in pain. I walked to the kitchen and searched for some Advil. When I took the pills I went up to my room and saw a sleeping Coraline. I saw myself in the mirror and I looked like a hot mess. I went into the bathroom took off my makeup and turned on the water. I washed my hair and body and soon I was out of the bathroom. Coraline was already awake and dressed.

"Morning baby" I said.

"Morning Mom" she said.

"Do you know what tomorrow is?" I asked.

"My birthday" she said in her little baby's voice smiling.

"Yes it is" I said.

"Can I got see uncle sebs?" She asked.

"Yes honey" I said.

          When Coraline left the room I locked the door and stared to change. When I was done changing I did my makeup and hair. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and headed downstairs.

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          Sebastian and Riot were already up and they had made breakfast

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          Sebastian and Riot were already up and they had made breakfast. We all stared to eat and then my phone rang. I saw the caller ID and it was Alex that was calling me. I showed my phone to Riot and I got up and walked to the living room. I took a deep breath and I answered the phone.

"Hello" I said.

"Mia" Alex said.

"Yeah" I said.

"Look I am so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen" he said.

"Look Alex you messed up everything" I said.

"I know I did but please give me a second chance I miss you and Coraline" he said.

"I don't give second chances and you out of all people should know that" I said.

"Please Mia don't do this to me I miss you so much" he said.

"You mess up and you knew what you were doing" I said.

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