Night Out

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           I woke up with Coraline in my arms and I smiled. I kissed her forehead and I got up slowly from my bed. I looked in the mirror and I looked how I used to look like in my freshman year. My eyes were dull and my face looked almost lifeless. I had bags under my eyes and I looked skinnier then before. I fixed my hair and put it on a bun. I walked downstairs and Riot was sitting on the table drinking coffee. I grabbed a mug and poured the hot water and then I prepared my coffee.

"Good morning" Riot said.

"Morning" I said.

"What's wrong?" Riot asked.

"Everything Riot" I said.

"Look I Now it hurts now but soon that pain will go away" Riot said.

"I let him in I told him everything I thought I loved him" I said tears forming in my eyes.

"I know Mia but you have to stay strong you have your daughter to take care of" Riot said.

"She is keeping me strong I don't want her to see me like this" I said.

"Look what if tonight you and he go out and have fun" Riot said.

"I can't I have to take care of Coraline I really don't want to leave her" I said.

"We'll leave her here with Sebastian" Riot said.

"Riot I can't go out now" I said.

"Yes you do please come on it will be fun it's going to be just you and me" Riot said.

"Fine we'll go out" I said.

"Great we'll go to a club" she said.

"I have nothing to wear" I said.

"We are going shopping" she said.

"Ok" I said.

"Now get that ass upstairs and get ready" she said.

"Ok" I said.

I smiled and I went upstairs. I woke up Coraline and I dressed her and did her hair. I then changed my clothes, did my makeup and my hair. I just curled my hair and my makeup and outfit I tried harder. When I was done I walked downstairs with Coraline.

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