The Past

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         It's had been over a month that Alex has been gone and I am still pretty sad about it. Today was my first day back into racing after a long time. Sebastian is going to retrain me again before I go out and fight. Coraline and Riot have been getting closer and closer. Since Coraline is now five years old she will be starting kindergarten soon. I got dressed and went to the gym Sebastian had in the house. I went in and waited for him and a little while later he came.

"Ok Mia left see how bad you have gotten" he said.

"I haven't fought in four years and after having a baby even worse" I said.

"Let's see what you remember and leave the wraps" he said.

"I swear if you hurt me" I said.

"You'll learn like the first time I taught you" he said.

"You knocked me out the first time" I said.

"But you regained consciousness with in the hour" he said.

"Let's just start" I said.

"As you wish" he said.

          I stared with the punches but I missed. Ok maybe I have lost my touch. I got a few hits on Sebastian but he got way more on me. I can feel my lip in pain along with my ribs and arms. Sebastian got on the floor and kicked my legs from under me. My back hit the floor and hard and I just laid their tired. Sebastian stood over me with a smirk on his face and I just rolled my eyes. He held out his hand and I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"You have officially lost your touch" he said.

"Yeah I know" I said.

"You'll get it back you weren't that bad" he said.

"Sebastian I lost it, I am not strong, fast or smart enough to win anymore, my power is all gone I have nothing more inside" I said.

"You had a reason the first time you come looking for me" he said.

"I was a stupid teenager back then" I said.

"And now what's holding you back" he said.

"I don't know Sebastian but I can't learn to fight again if I can't be committed to it" I said.

"Once you have found your reason to fight then we will fight again but until you do I won't teach you" he said.

"Are you giving up on me?" I asked.

"You gave up on yourself, find the reason why you want to fight and Coraline isn't the answer" he said.

"Sebastian" I said.

He walked away. That's all he did he left me their as he walked away. Anger filled my body and I punched the wall next to me. I made a hole on it and my knuckles were bleeding. I walked out and I went to the kitchen and I saw Riot their.

"Take care of Coraline for me I need air" I said.

"Yeah but be careful" she said.

"Bye" I said.

I grabbed my leather jacket and I grabbed Sebastian's motorcycle keys. I got in the bike and I turned it on and drove down the streets. I went to the old racing track back when I was in high school. Their was no one their so I was alone. I looked up at the sky and I stared to cry. All that went through my mind is Alex and how it's my fault he died. It's my fault Coraline doesn't have a dad anymore. It's my fault I let the love of my life dye. It's my fault the world has to lose and amazing, caring person. This just how Victoria died.

"See you still cry over stuff" I heard someone say.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Sad you don't remember me" he said.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"Liam Cortes" he said smirking.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"That offer a few years back is still open and you are a mess" he said.

"You are a murder I will never going you" I said.

"I kill because people deserve it, and after I kill I fell nothing" he said.

"My answer was the same that it was seven years ago" I said.

"You have become weak, every truth lays on your eyes and hurt fills yours" he said.

"And yours are emotionless nothing is left on your soul" I said.

"Your right but I was never hurt again, you were like me once" he said.

"I was never like you I had some humanity left in me you have none" I said.

"Sebastian can't help you now" he said.

"I'll figure it out" I said.

"No you won't so ether you come with me the easy or hard way" he said.

"Don't you dare threaten me or else-" I was cut off.

"Or else what, ugh you can't kill me or even knock me out" he said.

"I will never join as long as I live I won't be like you" I said.

"You ether you come with me or I will start dropping body's one by one starting with Blake" he said.

"Go to hell" I said.

"I've been their and back" he said.

"Leave my friends and family alone" I said.

"My men are at Sebastian's house right now ether you come with me or they all die" he said.

"Leave then alone" I said.

"You have five seconds" he said.

"Stop don't do this" I said.

"One" he said.

"Liam don't" I said.

"Two" he said.

"Stop" I said.

"Three" he said.

"You sick bastard" I said.

"Four!" He said.

"Fine! I'll go but nothing happens to my family" I said.

"Good choice" he said.

"When do I start?" I asked.

"Now so get in the car" he said.

"Let me day goodbye to my family" I said.

"No now get in the car" he said.

"You sick son of bitch" I said.

"Get in the car Mia" he said.

         One of his guys came from behind me and pointed a gun to my back. Fuck, why didn't I see him. I stared to walk to the car and I got in. I sat across from Liam and the car stared. I saw that we were leaving the city so I was going to begin to ask questions.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. Nothing. "Liam where the hell are you taking me" nothing. "Where the fuck are you taking me" I said.

"This is going to hurt" he said.

         The next thing I know I was being hit with the back of a gun. That bastard knocked me out. I didn't know when I'll see my family again. Liam threatened my family but why does he want me why now. He better have a better explanation when I wake up. I know I'll start to kill again well I'll have to start to kill again.

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