You're Awake

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One Month Later

           It's been a month since Sebastian was in the hospital and I have staid here with Riot. Alex would come on some days but I told him it was ok and he should stay home and work. I was a month in, in my pregnancy and I have a small baby bump. I needed to buy new clothes considering none is going to fit for the next eight months. Right now me and Riot were in Sebastian's room and me and her were talking. Riot got up and went to go get us coffees from the cafeteria and I staid with Sebastian. I held Sebastian's hand and I stared to tear up.

"Sebas if you could hear me please fight through this I can't lose you I have lost a lot in my life I can't lose you, I love you big brother" I said tears falling down my eyes.

"I love you too" Sebastian said in a raspy voice.

"You're awake Sebastian you're awake" I said smiling.

"I'm awake" he said.

"God I've missed you so fucking much" I said hugging him but I didn't hurt him.

"I've missed you too" he said.

"Are you ok do you want me to bring a doctor in?" I asked.

"No I am fine, is Alex here with you?" He asked.

"No it's just me and Riot" I said.

"Riot is here" he said.

"We have been here for the past month" I said.

"Wow I was in here for a month" he said.

"Yes you were" I said.

"And I see that baby has gotten bigger" he said looking at my belly.

"I know" I said smiling.

"Sebastian" Riot said almost dropping the coffees. I grabbed the coffees and she ran to Sebastian and hugged him.

"I missed you too" Sebastian said.

"I missed you" Riot said.

"So I see your awake" the doctor said.

"Yes doc I am up" Sebastian said.

"Ok well how are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I am fine I feel good and yes I do remembered what happen" he said.

"That's great news, we'll have some rest run on you and then you could leave today" the doctors said.

"Ok thank you doc" Sebastian said.

"I'll call Alex and tell him your awake" I said. I walked out of Sebastian's room and I turned the corner and I bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry" I said.

"It's fine my fault" a far to familiar voice said.

"Blake" I said.

"Mia" he said.

"I am sorry I have to go" I said walking pass by him but he stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Wait Mia" he said.

"What Blake" I said.

"Where have you been these past moths?" He asked.

"I am here because Sebastian got in a car crash and I was at my boyfriends house" I said.

"Look Mia I have messed up and fucked things up between us and I am really sorry for that" he said.

"You are to late to be asking for my apology, and I won't go back with you if you are the last man on earth" I said.

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