Old Friends

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I went up to my room and went to look for something to wear. I found the outfit and then I did t makeup and hair. I locked at myself in the mirror and approved of my look.

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            I walked down stairs and I heard the guys talking

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I walked down stairs and I heard the guys talking. When I hit the bottom step my heel clicked with the floor. I walked to the living room and the guys locked at me up and down. Sebastian smirked like and idiot and Alex smiled at me. Alex got up and walked towards me and he was in front of me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Ok" he said.

I looped my arm around his and we walked off the the door. Sebastian walked with us and he closed the door. I saw Alex's BMW i8 and I smiled, I missed his car and being in the car with him. Alex was twenty one so he was three years older then me. He opened the door for me and then I got in and he went to the drivers sit. He got in and stared the car and then we were off. We made small talk and then we got to this fancy restaurant.

"Reservation for Alexander Stoff" Alex said.

"Right this way sir" the lady said.

"Sir?" I asked.

"I am known here" Alex said.

I giggled and we took out seats. The lady gave us menus she left and me and Alex chose our food. A few minutes later I chose what I was going to get.

"Can I take your order" another lady said.

"I'd have the chicken Alfredo and a raspberry lemonade" Alex said.

"Ok and for you ma'am?" The lady asked.

"I'd like the T-Bone steak medium rare and a raspberry lemonade" I said.

"Your order will be right up" the lady said.

She took our menus and then she walked off. I looked at Alex and smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Thank you for this" I said.

"No need to thank me" he said.

"Thank you" I said.

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