Date Night

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It was five and Blake's and I date was at seven. I didn't know what to wear so I called Sebastian to help me out. I rang him and a few rings later he pick up.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey sebas It's Mia I need your help" I said.

"With what?" He asked.

"Choosing an outfit to wear" I said.

"For?" He asked.

"A date" I said.

"With who and where are you going?" He asked.

"With Blake and I don't where we are going he didn't tell me" I said.

"Ok I'll be their in ten and leave your window open and take a shower" he said.

"Ok thank you love you" I said.

        He hung up and I went to go take a shower. I washed my hair and body and walked out of the bathroom. I put on some shorts and a lose T-shirt. I waited for Sebastian and then a few minutes later he opened my window and got in.

"Ok let's dress you" He said.

         After throwing and destroying my closet Sebastian finally chose something. I went to to the bathroom and put on my dress. Sebastian in the mean while picked out a pair of black and on the top gold heels. Sebastian curled my hair while I did my make up. I was finally done and I looked at myself  in the mirror. I liked how Sebastian dressed me, he had a good style in clothes.

"If you went like a little sister to me I would bang you" he said

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"If you went like a little sister to me I would bang you" he said.

"Shut up" I said playfully slapping his arm.

"Just do what ever you have left to do I'll see you tomorrow for the races" he said.

"Ok, bye" I said.

        Hugged Sebastian and he went out my window. I looked at myself and spread some perfume on me and texted Blake. He said he was already downstairs and for me to go down. I took a deep breath and smile and walked outside. I walked downstairs and I could hear talking. Once I took the last step the talking stopped and Blake and Michael stopped talking. Blake looked at me up and down and a smirk appeared on his face.

         Blake was wearing a blue button up shirt and some black jeans. He had on black dress shoes and he had his leather jacket. I walked and I was now standing in front of him.

"Wow" he said.

"You look good" I said.

"And you are beautiful" he said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Come on let's go" he said.

"Ok, bye Michael" I said.

"Later man" Blake said.

         Me and Blake walked outside and I couldn't believe my eyes. A 1969 boss 302 red Ford Mustang. My eyes went wide and I remembered my first mustang. Blake wrapped his arms around my waist and we walked to the car. Blake opened my door and I got in, once I was fully in Blake closed the door. Blake walked to the drivers seat and got in a shut the door. Blake stared the car and it roared to live. God I love that sound.

"I love your car" I said.

"I heard you liked mustangs so I got mine out of the shop" he said.

"How long have you had it?" I asked.

"My grandpa had it and then my dad and finally me" he said.

"It's a 1969 Mustang" I said.

"Yes it is" he said.

"How much did you work on it?" I asked.

"I re made the whole model I repainted and everything, I just had to looked for new parts and it was so hard to find the right ones" Blake said.

"Yeah it's very hard I had mine but I had to give it up and sale it" I said.

"I am sorry" he said.

"It's fine I build it all myself, and just like you it was my grandfathers and then my dads, but I had to do everything" I said.

"It's hard but it's worth all that time it's an awesome car" he said.

"It sure is and the motor was the best part" I said.

"I have a scar on my hand from building it" he said.

"I have a scar on my shoulder from building mine" I said.

"Thanks awesome" he said.

"It is it's all just memories" I said.

"Good memories" he said.

"Yeah" I said.

       We fell into comfortable silence and a few minutes later we got to this small restaurant. It looked small and fancy from the inside. It wasn't to busy but their was still people their. Me and Blake walked in and Blake wrapped his arm around me. Blake asked for our table and then the man took us to the table. We sat down and we got out menus. This place was expensive so I was going to pay half of it.

"Can I get your drinks" the man asked.

"Can I get a coke" Blake said.

"Can I have root beer" I said.

"Ok I'll be back with your drink and take your order" the man said.

        Me and Blake talked until the guys came back with out drinks and then we ordered. Our food came and still me and Blake talked for a while. Blake was so much different then what I thought he was. I got to know him and he got to know me better. At around nine we were done and we left the place.

"I have one more surprise" Blake said.

"Ok" I said.

        Once again Blake opened the door for me and I got in. Blake drove up to the mountains and then we stopped. We were where people can see down to the city. The light were shining bright and so was the sky. We got out and we leaned on the hood of the car. I looked out to the lights and I remembered every time my dad would bring me out here. I really don't have good memories with my mom, I never really had a mom figure.

"Come on let's get out the car" Blake said.

         I got on the car and I laid back down. My bare legs and arm hit the cold car I shivered. Blake wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. He took off his jacket and he put it over me. We talked and then I was falling asleep and I let the darkness take over. I felt getting pick up but didn't open my eyes. I was picked up again and a door open and close. I guess we were home. Blake was warm and his strong arms carried me up the stairs. I was laid on my soft bed but I still couldn't wake up. I felt a kiss placed on my forehead and a blanket pulled over my shoulders. I felt a kiss on my forehead and the door closed. I smiled and fully fell asleep again.

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