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         I was woken up by a pair of lips on mine. I opened my eyes and I saw Alex looking at me. I smiled and I kissed him. We both got up and I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the hot water and I waited for it to get hot. I stripped from my clothes and then I got in the shower letting the water hit my body. I washed my body and hair and then I got out. I dried my body and then I did my makeup and changed into my outfit. (A/N ignore the backpack)

          Me and Alex were done changing and we walked outside to his car

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Me and Alex were done changing and we walked outside to his car. I drove down to a small restaurant and Alex's parents already their and his sister was their too. We sat down and we ordered our food and we all talked. I got to know Alex's parents better and then Alex grabbed my thigh. I looked at him and he gave me the look that we should tell them. I nodded and then he grabbed my hand and I looked at his parents.

"Mom, Dad, Alexia me and Mia have something to tell you" Alex stared.

"Sure what it honey?" Alex's Mom said.

"Mom, Dad, Mia is pregnant with my child" Alex said.

"That's wonderful news, but honey I new already" Sherry said.

"You did?" I asked.

"Yes sweetie my wife had two kids she knows and she told us about it we were just waiting for you two to tell us" Roger said.

"I am happy for both of you that child is going to have the best parents and I am going to be an aunt" Alexia said.

"Thank you guys for accepting this" Alex said.

"We will always support you son but if you try to get rid of that child I will personally make sure you won't" Sherry said.

"I love Mia and I love that baby I won't ever get rid of them or even plan on it" Alex said.

"How long have you known?" Alexia asked.

"Three days and I have been pregnant five days" I said.

"Have you guys gone to the hospital?" Roger said.

"We went yesterday in the morning" Alex said.

"Good well we are here to help with anything" Sherry said.

"Thank you so much" I said.

"No problem honey" Sherry said.

"Are you going to be moving in with Alex?" Roger asked.

"Yes she is" Alex said.

"Ok" Roger said.

"I am happy for you two" Sherry said.

"Thanks" me and Alex said.

"So when will we see a ring on that finger of yours Mia?" Alexia asked.

"Very soon" Alex said and I looked at him and he smiled.

"You guys are so cute together" Alexia said.

"Thanks and what about you any man in your life" I asked Alexia.

"No, I am to busy with school for that" Alexia said.

"I somewhat said the same thing but look at me" I said and we laughed. I then felt my phone vibrate and it was Riot. "I am sorry I have to take this" I said standing up.

"Hey Riot" I said.

"Mia oh my god thank god you picked up" she said freaking out.

"What wrong Riot you are scaring me" I said.

"Sebastian he, he got in a car accident and we are in the hospital right now I didn't know who else to call" she said.

"I'll be their as fast as I can what hospital are you in?" I asked.

"St. Mary's hospital" she said.

"Ok I'll be their in an hour forty five minutes max" I said.

"Ok hurry" she said.

         I hung up and but my phone back on my pocket. I went and sat down at the table and I looked at Alex. I didn't notice I had tears in my eyes until I felt one fall down my face. Alex looked worried and so did my parents and sister.

"Sebastian got in a car accident I need to go see him" I said crying.

"Ok well drive over their right now" Alex said.

"I am so sorry" I said.

"No don't be honey go and see your friend" Sherry said.

"Thank you for everything and sorry" I said getting up along with Alex.

         Alex left some money for our food and we ran out the restaurant. Alex stared to drive down the road and I was so scared for Sebastian. I tried my best to calm down for the baby and I have. About forty minutes later we got to the hospital and I ran out of the car into the hospital. I looked and I saw Riot and she saw me and she ran up to me and hugged me. She cried and then a nurse came out.

"For Mr. Sebastian" she said.

"Yes here" I said walking to her.

"Ok well he is fine he got a glass stuck on his arm but we got in out, a few cuts and bruises but he is in a coma right now and we don't know how long and he might have a small memory lost" she said.

"Thank you, can we see him?" I asked.

"Yes this way" she said.

          We followed the nurse and we walked into Sebastian's room. He was laying their looking pale and he had a white gauze wrapped around his arm. I cried and I hugged Alex who looked sad and he was almost going to cry. Sebastian and Alex are best friends and if it wasn't for Sebastian I wouldn't have met Alex. I let go of Alex and I went to hug Riot I knew she liked him and Sebastian also liked her. Soon me and Riot were done crying and we all just sat down in silence. It was almost time for us to leave since visiting hours were almost over.

"Mia do you want to stay or do you want to stay?" Alex asked me.

"Do you have work?" I asked.

"Yes but I can call in so I can stay with you" he said.

"No you go back I'll stay here with Riot she needs me and I want to be here for Sebastian" I said.

"I'll come back tomorrow" he said.

"No it's fine stay home you don't have to come" I said.

"I'll be back" he said.

"Ok" I said.

"If Sebastian wakes up you call me" he said.

"Yes" I said.

         I hugged Alex and we kissed and then he left. A few minutes after Alex left me and Riot had to leave. Riot drove to Sebastian's house and me and her went to my room and went to sleep. I couldn't sleep and I knew she couldn't sleep either.

"Want to watch tv?" I asked her.

"Yeah" she said.

          I turned the tv on and we watched movies until we fell asleep. Once I fell asleep I through about Sebastian how he is feeling. I then forgot about everything and I let the darkness take over me.

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