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It's been four days since Alex had passed away and I am at his funeral right now. I am with Coraline, Riot and Sebastian. Alex's parents were done saying their speech. Alex's casket was lowering into the ground and more tears rolled down my cheeks. Before they could drop the dirt on it I dropped a white rose. I carried Coraline and I went to go hug Alex's parents. Alexis wasn't here so I told her parents to tell her I am sorry. I explained Alex's Mom what had happened and she said she was sorry and that it wasn't like Alex to do that.

"Mia let's go get your stuff" Riot said.

"Ok" I said.

Me and the rest got in Sebastian's car and we drove down to my house. I opened the door and every memory I had in here came up. The moment Coraline and me got home from the hospital. Coraline's birthday, my birthday and Alex's birthday. I went up to my room along with Sebastian and he helped me pack my stuff. I packed my closet and Sebastian packed my drawers. Coraline was packing her clothes as well with the help of Riot. I grabbed a few of Alex's shirts and his sweaters and took them as well.

"Everything will get better, I promise" Sebastian said.

"For fifteen years my life was ok for a year it was hell for two I wasted being in juvi and for four years I was happy until now" I said.

"And you still have so many years ahead of you" Sebastian said.

"I am trying very hard not to crumble down but it's so hard not to" I said.

"I know but listen you have me, Riot and Coraline" he said.

"I know and I love you all so much" I said.

"You have the cars and bags to hit" he said.

"You want me to go back to racing and fighting?" I asked.

"Only is you want to" he said.

"It's the only way I'll keep myself and Coraline alive" I said.

"And a way to get your mind off from Alex and everything" he said.

"I'll race when I am ready, because in the stage I am right now I am not ready" I said.

"Take your time" he said.

"Let's go" I said.

"Let's go home" he said.

        When I was done Coraline and Riot were already done. We hopped in the car along with our stuff and we drove back. We also stopped at target to buy Coraline a new bed for her room. We then went to Walmart to buy paint since Coraline wanted her room to be a light blue. I was walking around when I heard a very familiar voice.

"Blake?" I asked. Blake turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey Mia, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Looking for some paint for Coraline" I said.

"Cool are you guys moving back here?" He asked.

"Yeah we are just some stuff happened" I said holding back tears.

"This isn't just something it's bad, do you mind me asking?" He asked.

"Um yeah you see Alex passed away in a car accident but before that he cheated on me" I said tears building up in my eyes.

"I am so sorry" he said.

"I am too" I said.

"That day I saw you at the ice cream shop and at the mall is that the day you came back?" He asked.

"That's when I found out he was cheating with me in my own house" I said.

"I bet you didn't let that slid what did you do to him?" He asked.

"More like what I did to her" I said.

"Oh she was in the house" he said.

"Yeah" I said.

"He should have seen that coming considering how you left me the last time" he said.

"I am sorry about that" I said.

"I was a jerk and an asshole I deceived it" he said.

"No you didn't, I was the jerk and the asshole" I said.

"Once you left I never had a girlfriend or had any of my toys anymore" he said.

"Wow why not?" I asked.

"You were the second girl I really loved it hurt so much watching you leave and waiting for you to come back" he said.

"Blake you were my first love, I really did love you ever since that first kiss we had but the way you and I handled things made me lose all love for you" I said.

"We were stupid teenagers what can I say" he said.

"And sorry about Emely it wasn't your fault" I said.

"How did you know about her?" He asked.

"I got it out of Damon" I said.

"Before her I was a player but once she died I stopped caring about girls and just used them" he said.

"It wasn't your fault" I said.

"It also wasn't your fault Alex died" he said.

"Mommy!" I heard Coraline.

"Hey baby" I said.

"Uncle sebas has my paint" she said.

"Ok" I said.

"Come on Mommy I want to paint my room" Coraline said tugging on my arm.

"Hold on let me say bye to friend" I said.

"Hi, I remember you" Coraline said.

"And I remember you too" Blake said.

"You have pretty eyes" she said.

"And you have your moms eyes" he said.

"I know" she said.

"You are so adorable" he said.

"What your name?" She asked.

"My name is Blake" he said.

"Ok, Blake we have to go my mom will call you later bye" she said running off with Sebastian and Riot.

"She is so full of energy" he said.

"I know" I said.

"I'll catch up with you later I as well have to go" he said.

"It was good talking to you" I said.

"Some here bye Mia" he said.

"Bye" I said.

I walked with Sebastian and Riot and left the store. We got home and right away Coraline went into her new room. I think her room is bigger then my room. We stared to pain and since we all helped we finished fast. It was around seven and I opened the windows in the room so the paint can dry over night. We all had dinner and I took a shower along with Coraline. I put on Coraline's pajamas and mine and we laid in bed. Soon she fell asleep and I fell asleep right after her.

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