Getting Drunk

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        It's been a month since me and Blake stared going out. Me and him were inseparable since we went out. The guys were happy for us and Sebastian wasn't to happy but then he knew how important Blake was to me. Me and Blake were walking down the hall ways of our school and we got looks from every girls. It's like this every fucking day and it gets so annoying. Blake just tells me to ignore them but I just can't it's just something I hate.

"Ok babe I have to go see what coach wants from me I'll see you in class" Blake said.

"Ok later babe" I said.

Blake gave me a peck on the lips but then he turned around and kissed me. We kissed longer and yet again people were looking at us. I took out my books for my last classes and then closed my locker. I was the schools slit and she stood right in front of me.

"You sluty hands got on my man" she said.

"Your man?" I question.

"Yes my mom you ether leave Blake alone or I will end your life" she said.

"You listen me you ether leave me and Blake alone or I will make your life a living hell got that slut" I said.

I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and the bitch walked away. I hell no she does not get to walk away untouched. I walked behind her and then got close enough to get.

"Hey slut, you don't get to walk away untouched" I said.

"Touch me and you will regret it" she said.

"I don't give a fuck" I said.

I ran to her and pinned her to the ground. I held her down with one hand and the other I hit her on her face. She pulled my hair but I continued to punch her. I punched her stomach two times and the I got off from her. He was was red and her lip was busted and she had cuts on her face. She was going to have two black eyes in a few hours. I licked my lip and then spit out blood from my mouth.

"Next time you fuck with me and this goes out to everyone I will make sure you are in a coma" I said in a deadly voice.

I turned around and people moved out of my way. I walked outside and I punched a box that their were the switch to the school. I took out my cigarettes and lighter and lit up a cigarette. I put it in between me lips and took in a big breath. I breathed out and I puff of smoke flew out of my mouth.

"Great show out their" I heard a girls voice.

"Yeah well that bitch needed a lesson" I said.

"I am Riot first day here" Riot said.

"Mia" I said.

"So your a badass don't see many of those around" she said.

"Only when I have to" I said.

"Yeah true you did good out their fighting who tough you?" She asked.

"Myself I had to" I said.

"Cool" she said.

"You wasn't a cigarette?" I asked here.

"Sure" She said.

I took out my box and gave her one. I light my lighter and she cupped the lighter and turned on her cigarette. She let out the air and then she leaned on wall.

"People can be such assholes" she said.

"Yeah specially girl" I said.

"Yeah I usually roll with guys I stead of girls" she said.

"Yeah me too I roll with five guys and on of them is my boyfriend and the other he dropped out of school" I said.

"Damn you got any girl friends?" She asked.

"No" I said.

"That's good less drama" she said.

"Yeah" I said.

"Do you want to get out of here?" She asked me.

"Yeah lets go I can't stand this school" I said.

"Do you have a car?" She asked.

"Not exactly a car" I said.

We walked to the parking lot and their was my motorcycle. I gave her my helmet and we drove to the store so we could get drunk. I distracted the cashier while she grabbed a few bottles of what ever. When we walked out I drove home and I called Blake.

"Hey babe where are you?" Blake asked through the phone.

"I am home I left school with my friend me and her and yeah we are at home" I said.

"Are you sure it is a girl?" He asked.

"Yes it's girl I can FaceTime you" I said.

"Ok" he said.

I rolled my eyes and told Riot. I called Blake on FaceTime and his beautiful face appeared on my screen. Me and Riot got close and we talked with Blake.

"Ok well I have to go see babe love you" He said.

"Bye, love you too" I said.

"Bye Blake nice meeting you" Riot said.

"You too see your girls after school" Blake said.

I hung up and then looked at Riot.

"Let's get drunk" she said.

"Let's do it" I said.

We turned on music and she like the same music I did. We rocked out to Motionless In White, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Misfits, Skrillex and other bands. By the time the guys got home we were pretty wasted. Kyle was going to go get more liquor for all of us. All of us were pretty drunk and just messing around.

"Ok let's play truth or dare" Damon said.

"Yes" we all said.

"Ok Michael truth or dare?" Damon asked Michael.

"Dare" Michael said.

"I dare you to run around the street naked" Damon said.

"Done" Michael said.

"Ok" he said.

We all got up and walked to the front door and Michael strips from his clothes. Blake covers my eyes and I laugh me and him walk back inside white the other laugh their asses off. They walked back inside and Michael out on his clothes. The night went on like that and then we all knocked out and fell asleep

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