I'm Going Back To Jail?

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I woke up to my alarm going off so I got up and turned it off. I felt moving next to me so I turned and found a sleepy Alex. I smiled and hugged him he immediately hugged me too. He sighted and then I did to knowing that he was leaving today. I got up and got dressed and so did Alex. I was done getting ready and I walked out.

"Ready?" Alex asked

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"Ready?" Alex asked.

"Let's go" I said.

Me and Alex walked out of my room and we went outside to his car. Alex opened the door for me and I got in. Alec went around the car and he got in and he stared the car. Alex dove down the roads to my school. We got to my school and I looked at Alex one last time. I leaned in and kissed him and then I pulled away.

"I am going to miss you" I said.

"I am going to miss you too" he said.

"See you next week" I said.

"Until next week" he said.

I giggled and then got off his car. I was on the top of the stairs when I was turned around and Alex was their standing. He smashed his lips on mine and we had a long passionate kiss. I smiled on the kiss and then we pulled away.

"One last kiss before I go" he said.

"You're so cute" I said.

"You're so beautiful" I said.

"So this is who you replaced me for" I heard Blake's voice.

"Yes Blake" I said.

"And your the ex" Alex said.

"Yeah" Blake said.

"You fucking asshole how can you do that to Mia she is and amazing girl you fucked up big time" Alex said.

"Not my fault girls are all over me" Blake said with a smirk.

"You are a fucking pig" Alex said.

"And you're a fucking dumbass" Blake said.

"Look man just back off" Alex said.

"Have fun while you still have her" Blake said.

"Don't you dare talk to Mia like that" Alex said.

"I didn't say anything" Blake said.

"I know want you meant so watch your mouth" Alex said.

"Ok Alex let him be just ignore him" I told Alex.

"Yeah Alex stay down, be known the you are being tied down" Blake said.

"At least I know she cares" Alex said.

"Believe me She is good in bed not going to lie but I've been with better" Blake said.

"That's it you son of a bitch" Alex said.

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