The Baby Is Coming

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Eight Months Later

           I was sitting on the couch and my belly was big. I was about to have my baby girl Coraline. Yes me and Alex named our babygirl as the movie Coraline. I told Sebastian and Riot that she was going to be a girl and they flipped. Alex's parents made me a baby shower and Riot and Sebastian came as a couple. Right now Riot and Sebastian are here since they wanted to be here when the baby was born. I was sitting down and I felt my legs go wet. My water broke!

"Riot. Hospital. Now" I said.

"Fuck, Sebastian grabbed the car, Alex get the bags Mia is having the baby!" Riot yelled and I heard the guys running.

"Aaaaah!" I screamed as the contractions were kicking in.

"Breath Mia everything will be ok" Riot said.

"It fucking hurts" I said.

"I know but come on let's go" she said.

"I am here baby come on I'll take you to the car" Alex said giving the bag to Riot.

Somehow Alex managed to carry me out of the house and into the car. I was holding on to Alex and Sebastian was going to the hospital. Once we got their Riot jumped out of the car and called for help. Doctors and nurses came out with a gurney. They laid me down and they ran down the hallways and they took me into a room. I was laid on another bed and the rest were being dressed in the hospitals gowns. Alex was on my left and Sebastian and Riot were on my right. After a few hours of pain, yelling and pushing I head my baby girls cry for the first time.

"Congratulations miss your baby if health" a nurse said.

"Can I hold her?" I asked.

"Yes and Sir would you like to cut her umbilical cord?" She asked.

"Yes" Alex said.

Alex left my side and he went to Coraline. A few minutes later Alex came back and a nurse came back with my baby. She gave me her and her bright green eyes looked at mine. She smiled and she reached up with one hand and grabbed my cheek. She then laughed and she grabbed my finger and she held it. She then looked at Alex and she smiled and Alex came closer. He picked up Coraline and they both looked so adorable. Sebastian then got to carry her and then Riot carried her. I signed her birth certificate and so did Alex and then I fell asleep and I was holding Coraline.

Two Days Later

Today is the day I am leaving the hospital with Coraline. I got dressed and I was dressing Coraline. I put her in her car seat and me and Alex left the hospital. Sebastian and Riot were in Alex's house waiting for us along with Alex's parents and sister. Also me and Alex got a dog and it's a golden retriever. Me and Alex got home and everyone was waiting for us. Alex's Mom came and hugged us and she then got Coraline and carried her. Dexter our dog came and he sat down in front of me and Alex.

"Sherry can I get Coraline so Dexter can met her" I said.

"Yeah here" she said giving me Coraline. I leaned down on one knee and Dexter was sniffing Coraline.

"Hey Dexter this is your new sister, make sure to be genial with her she is a baby" I said looking at Dexter. I put Coraline closet to Dexter and he sniffed her and then he licked her and Coraline laughed.

"I guess they will grow up together" Alex said.

"And they will be amazing together" I said.

"She is going to be so beautiful" Riot said.

"Of course she looks just like Mia" Alex said.

"She has your hair and lips" I said.

"But she has your beautiful green eyes and your cute nose" Alex said.

"Yes your baby will be adorable, can we eat now" Alexia said.

"Ok let's go" Alex said.

           We all went into the kitchen and we grabbed some plates and took them outside. Alex's Dad turned on the grill and stared to make barbecue. I was holding Coraline on my lap and Riot was sitting next to me. We were all talking and then Coraline stared to cry. I took her inside and stared to breast feed her. I then changed her dipper and I stared to sing to her. Soon she fell asleep on my arms and I laid her on her crib and covered her up. I turned on Coraline baby monitor and took one downstairs with me. I was sitting talking to everyone when they all had to go. Sherry Alex's Mom staid with me and helped me clean the dirty dishes.

"You know Mia, I have never seen my son so happy before" Sherry said.

"Me too" I said.

"Ever since high school he'd never had a true relationship with any girl, until you came around and you made him happy" she said.

"He makes me really happy I love him, he is the most amazing man I have even met" I said.

"Don't let him go hold on to him he is keeper and you are a keeper too" she said.

"He is a keeper" I said.

"I though since you are younger then him you would have kept the baby away from him or something would have happen" she said.

"We both knew what we were doing and Coraline is our responsibility and I would never keep Alex away from his child" I said.

"You are more mature then most girls your age and I really like that" she said.

"I learned to mature at a very young age" I said.

"I am sorry for what happen with your parents you don't deserve that" she said.

"It's ok I never really had a good relationship with them" I said.

"I must have been hard for you" she said.

"Yeah it was but I got through it" I said.

"What motivated you?" She asked.

"I don't know, I only had Sebastian to care for me he was my only family" I said.

"He did a good job with you" she said.

"Yeah he did" I said and I got flashbacks from when Sebastian taught me how to drive, fight and kill.

"Good memories I bet" she said looking at me smile.

"Very good memories" I said smiling even bigger.

"Sherry I think we should get going" Roger said.

"Ok honey" Sherry said.

"It's been a long week" Alex said.

"It sure has been" I said.

"Ok we are done here" Sherry said drying the last dish.

"It was nice being here thank you for having us" Sherry said.

"You guys are always welcomed" I said.

"Thank you so much" Roger said.

"No problem" I said.

           Me and Alex walked with Alex's parents to the door. I hugged them goodbye and so did Alex. Me and Alex went into Coraline's room and she was still sleeping. Me and Alex went into our room and I took a shower. Alex them joined and we stared to make out. We got out when we were done and Alex picked me up and laid me on the bed. We can all guess what happened next and man was it the best time we had together. Me and Alex laid together and soon we both feel asleep.

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