Hello Again

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Four Years Later (A/N sorry for the time skip)

            It had been four years since I had Coraline. The first two years were amazing with Alex, me and Coraline. A few months ago me and Alex have been getting into fights and arguing. Coraline has caught us fighting but we come up with an accuse. Alex had been distant from us and is barely home anymore. Every time me and Alex have been apart I have been coming up with the worst ideas I can come up with. I talked to Riot about it and has been taking care of Coraline because I went back to racing with Sebastian. He know and he thinks that maybe Alex in cheating on me but I don't want to believe that. Right now I am getting home with Coraline and I saw Alex's car in the driveway.

"Go on up to your room I am going to go see daddy ok" I said looking at Coraline.

"Ok mommy" she said.

            She ran up to her room and I went into mine and Alex's room. I opened the door and I saw him laying down. I got closer and I saw something I never wanted to see. Their was another girl sleeping next to Alex and they were both naked. I covered my mouth from the gasp and tears came to my eyes. Anger shot through my body and my hands balled up into fists. I walked to Alex's side and I punched him strait on the face. He shot up and he saw me and that made the other girl wake up.

"Mia" he said.

"Fuck you Alex I hope you are happy, but you your dead" I said looking at the girl.

           In a swift moment I jumped onto of the girl and stared to punch her. Alex pulled me off from her and I ran into Coraline room and picked her up. I ran with her in my arms out the door and I could see Alex at the door but I speed down the road. I called Sebastian and in a few rings he picked up.

Me: you were right

Sebas: I am sorry

Me: can I stay at your house for a while

Sebas: yeah you're always welcome here

Me: Thanks Sebastian

Sebas: you're welcome

           About forty five minutes later I arrive at Sebastian's house. Since Coraline knew Sebastian and Riot they were amazing together. Riot took Coraline away since me and Sebastian had to talk. After me crying and explaining to Sebastian he was mad. Not even mad he wanted to kill Alex.

"Look Mia I am so sorry this had to happen and everything is going to be complicated now especially for Coraline but you'll have me and Riot to help you through everything" Sebastian said.

"Thanks sebas But I still need to talk to Alex and how we are going to deal with Coraline and who get custody and since we were only together not married I don't know what will happen" I said.

"Everything will be fine I promise you" he said.

"Mommy, mommy" Coraline said running into my arms.

"Yes baby" I said.

"Can we get icecwem?" She asked.

"Yes we can" I said.

"Let's go get ice cream" Sebastian said.

"Let's go" Riot said.

         We walked out of the house and we got in Sebastian's car. Sebastian drove down the familiar roads I once used to call home. We got to the ice cream shop and we got off. Right away Coraline ran in and I ran behind her making sure she didn't trip or did anything. She did bump into some on and I grabbed her arm and pulled her next to me.

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