I Am What...!?

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I woke up and I looked around and I was in an unfamiliar room. I turned to my left and their was a sleeping Alex. I smiled and I pushed back some hair that was dangling from his forehead. Alex them dig his head deeper into the pillow. I giggled and then his eyes flutter open. When his eyes landed on me he smiled and his smiled made me smile. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Morning beautiful" he said.

"Morning handsome" I said.

"We sound like a married couple" he said.

"Oh god" I said.

"What's so wrong about that?" He asked.

"I am not ready to be married that's for sure so don't think of anything right now" I said.

"So if I asked you to marry me right now you'll reject me?" He asked.

"I won't but the wedding won't be until later, when I done with high school and maybe college" I said.

"I'll keep that in mind" he said.

"Don't propose to me just yet" I said.

"I won't" he said.

"Good" I said.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too" I said.

"Come on let's go to the mall" he said.

"Ok" I said.

          I went to get my bag and brought it up to Alex's room. I took out a pair of blue washed out ripped jeans and a grey crop top. I then did my makeup and it was natural nothing to big. I then brushed my hair and did lose curls. I then put on my black and white high top converse and my leather jacket. I stacked up a few rings on my finger, which reminds me I have to do my nails. Me and Alex walked out of his house and then we walked to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are getting breakfast at Denny's and then we could go to the mall" Alex said.

"Ok" I said.

          We talk while we were in the car and then we got to Denny's. At Denny's we talked about everything and anything. We never once stopped talking. We got back into his car and drove down to the mall. The mall was big and then we walked in hand in hand. We went to different stores and we got a few things. We were in Sephora and I was looking around and I lost Alex. I walked around and I saw him looking at some stuff until one girl walked up to him. She was half naked and Alex did look like he was interested. She stared to throw herself at him so I got jealous and decided to go to him.

"Ready to go babe?" I said.

"Who is she?" The girl asked.

"My girlfriend the one I told you about" Alex said.

"You told me you were single" she said.

"No once you came up to me I told you I had a girlfriend and wasn't interested in you" Alex said.

"Bye now slut" I said.

"Bitch" she said.

"Bye" Alex said.

"Ugh assholes" she said.

"Ugh sluts" I said mimicking her.

           She stopped away and I laughed and then Alex joined in. We walked out of Sephora and we walked around. Soon I got tired and we got back to Alex's house. When we got to his house I went to the bathroom and I felt sick. I stared to throw up in the toilet and then Alex stared to bang on the door.

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