Fun Day

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That's morning I had a horrible headache and I was on the floor. I looked around and everyone else was on the floor. The memories from yesterday came back and I laughed to myself. I checked the time and it was one in the afternoon. I got up and I walked to the kitchen and put on the coffee pot. I heard someone coming in and I looked up and it was Blake. I smiled and he did too and he walked over to me.

"Morning beautiful" he said.

"Morning handsome" I said.

"Man what a night" he said.

"I know it was crazy and funny" I said.

"I was" he said.

"Do does you head hurt?" I asked.

"A little bit" he said.

"Well I put on coffee and I don't know if we have Advil" I said.

"We have Advil in that cabinet" he said pointing at the cabinet next to the fridge.

"Ok but first" I said.

I got on my tippy toes and kissed Blake's soft lips. He kissed me and then we head more footsteps walking in. We didn't pull away and the people we already in the kitchen.

"My eyes" I head Damon's voice.

"Gross" Kyle said.

"Get a room" Michael said.

I smiled on the kiss and we pulled away. I looked at the guys and I stared to blush. Blake wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. Riot walked in looking like death and she leaned on the counter.

"Sup fuckers" she said.

"Hey" we all said.

"What are we doing today?" Damon asked.

"Don't know what should we do?" I said.

"What about we go bowling later on and we go to six flags" Michael said.

"Yes" me and Riot said.

"Look like we have plans" Blake said.

"Ok I need Advil and coffee" Kyle said.

"Coffee is in the stove and Blake will get the Advil" I said.

"I told you where is it" Blake said.

"I know but you know exactly where it is" I said.

"You just have look for it" he said.

"Come on babe please" I said giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Not the eyes" he said.

"Please" I said again.

"Fine" he said.

"Wow Blake broke with puppy dog eyes ever" Damon said.

"Shut up Damon" Blake said.

"Aw babe" I said and wrapped my arm around his torso.

"You are the first girl I had a serious relationship with and the first that broke me with puppy dog eyes" Blake said.

"Aww" I said.

"I mean their is emel-" Damon said but then stopped when Blake send him a death glare. "I should go" he said and walked out the kitchen.

"What was he going to say?" I asked Blake.

"Nothing" Blake said not looking at me.

"Ok let get ready we'll leave in hour" Kyle said.

"I'll have to go home and change" Riot said.

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