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          So it's been two days and Blake had tried everything to make my life a living hell. But today is the day he is going to regret everything. It's Thursday and today before lunch Blake stays longer out in track running lap. Since I am awesome at picking locks I am going to take all of his clothes from his locker and take every towel. Also he also might get something dumped on him. Riot was helping me since I needed other hand on the prank.

"Ok Riot keep a look out" I said.

"Ok" she said.

        I went to Blake's locker and took out all of his clothes. His PE clothes he always puts it on the bench when he showers. He first goes to the showers and then he changes. I hid all the towels in one of the other lockers. I heard riot running towards me so someone was coming in. We ran and hid behind these big carts where the soccer balls and every other ball is. It was Blake and just how it was he went straight to the showers. Once the water turned on I took his clothes and ran out the locker room. Me and Riot stood right in front of the locker room doors waiting for Blake to pop out.

"What the fuck!" He yelled.

"Here we go" I said.

"Let's do this" Riot said.

        Seconds later I saw Blake peek his head out of the locker room doors. I smirked and I held up his clothes. I whistled at him and his head snap to me and I showed him his clothes. He looked so pissed I laughed.

"Give me back my clothes" he said.

"Sorry honey but you are going to have to come and get" I said.

"You are going to regret it Mia" he said.

"More like you are going to regret it you have unleashed the bad Mia the reason why I went to jail" I said.

"Like I said it was Sebastian's fault not yours" he said.

"You know nothing so shut the fuck up" I said.

"Just give me my clothes" he said.

"Come and get Blake" I said.

"No" he said.

"Then looks like you are staying their for the rest of the day" I said.

"Just give me my clothes and I won't have to our run you" He said.

"You won't leave like that you don't have the balls I mean every girl in these school have seen it so no surprise their" I said.

"You know you are right now you better run" he said.

"Catch me if you can asshole" I said.

I saw Blake stared to run and I ran towards the quad of the school. I felt Blake right behind me so I ran faster. I looked at Riot and nodded soon I stopped and turned around. I looked at black and then I looked around and everyone had their phones out. I smirked and I looked up at the building and Riot and Sebastian had bucks.

"Give me my clothes Mia" Blake said.

"You probably should have messed with me" I said.

"You don't know what you are doing Mia" he said.

"More like you don't know what you have stared, First you cheat one me then you try to get arrested, well let me tell you something it's going to take more then that to keep me away" I said.

"I am glad I broke up with you I never did love you, you believed everything I said well honey my reputation is what it is I will never love anyone and never have" he said.

"Really then talk to me about Emely Thompson huh Blake how did that finish" I said.

"How do you know that?" He asked.

"Did a little digging and three years ago Emely Thompson killed herself she left a video saying she was sorry she couldn't make you happy you crushed her you were the reason she killed herself you were a jerk to her and she was the only girl you ever loved you just didn't show it because you were scared you were going to be weak" I said.

"You don't know what you are talking about" he said.

"Oh yes I do and now you have hurt girls all your life but that ends now when you have a taste of your own medicine you piece of shit" I said.

        I whistled and then Sebastian and Riot dropped cow poop on Blake. Riot and Sebastian got off of the roof and they came to stand next to me. I smirked and then Blake looked at me with pure hatred and anger on his eyes.

"You messed with the wrong girl" I said.

"You filthy bitch" he said.

"And this goes out to everyone, you have unleashed the real me and god it feels good to be out, now you will all know the real reason why I went to jail two years ago, watch your backs" I said.

           I looked at Riot and Sebastian and we walked passed Blake. People moved out of the way and we passed by them. I got on my car and so did Riot and Sebastian and we drove to Sebastian's house. We celebrated by getting drunk and dancing around like crazy people. I got a lot of notifications on instagram and I looked at it the video of what happened today. This had got to be one of my best pranks and payback ever.

"Riot thank you so much for your help I owe you big time and Sebastian I fucking love you you did amazing thank you for your help" I said.

"You ain't got to thank me it was the best thing I have ever done" Riot said.

"Pleasure doing business with you" Sebastian said.

          The rest of the night went like that until I knocked out somewhere. I don't know where I have fallen asleep or towards the end of the night. But it sure as hell was the best day ever so far. When I come back from winter brake it's going to be amazing. And I couldn't wait to see Alex again.

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