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The next morning I woke up to Blake staring at me. I smiled at him and we kissed. We both got up and Blake put on clothes but I didn't want to leave the room with the clothes I wore so he gave me some. He gave me some sweats and hoodie. I put it on and we both walked out of the room and went downstairs. The guys were already up and dressed while me and Blake looked like shit. I didn't care but why were the guys dressed so early.

"Hey guys" I said in a sleepy voice.

"Morning" they all said.

"Why are you guys dressed at this time a day?" Blake said.

"We have to go to the coaches house remember, he is going to give us our last spots for the rest of the season" Michael said.

"Shit I forgot how much time do we have to leave?" Blake asked.

"In like thirty minutes it starts at noon" Kyle said.

"Sorry babe but I have to get ready" Blake said.

"It's fine go hurry" I said.

"Your the best" he said and he ran upstairs. We heard a thump and a groan.

"I am ok" Blake said.

We all bursted out laughing. We heard his door close and I sat down on the couch with the guys eating cereal. Blake came running down stairs and then the guys got up. Blake kissed me and told me he will be back soon. I was still in his clothes so I got up and changed. I went out to my room looked for something to wear and I put it on. I did a little make up and I decided to go to Sebastian's house.

           I got in my motorcycle and drove to his house

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           I got in my motorcycle and drove to his house. I parked my bike and I knocked on his door. I girl with just a blanket wrapped around her opened the door. She gave me the ugliest look ever. I am guess she is one of Sebastian's toys. She looked at my from up and down and rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I am here to see Sebastian and who are you?" I asked.

"I am his girlfriend what about you?" She asked.

"I am his best friend" I said.

"Are you sure you aren't one of those sluts" she said.

"I am more then sure that I am not a slut, now let me or I'll have to move you" I said.

"Just leave bitch" she said.

"You leave bitch" I said.

"You are messing with the wrong girl" she said.

"No you are messing with the wrong girl sweetie" I said.

"Ladies their is enough of me to go around" Sebastian said.

"Sebastian" the girl said.

"Mia what's up" Sebastian said ignoring the girl.

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