Chapter 8: Logan & I

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I walk to my room not being able to get summer out of my head, something about her made me feel like she was supposed to be apart of this family but I don't know why "Luna!" I hear my father mindlink me "coming" I link back, I run to my fathers office.
"You wanted to-" I stop as I see Logan sitting there with a huge grin on his face "see me?" I finish taking my attention to my father he sighs as he looks at Logan "you might want to leave the room for this" he says as Logan stands up nodding, as he walks past me his hand brushes against mine making me shiver.
"Luna you might want to sit" he says looking towards his seat, I nod and sit down "as you would know we don't have a Luna in this pack" (luna is the Alphas wife) my father says as I look at him confused "and we are not ready to risk our lives to find Logan's mate" my father continues I slowly nod not understanding why his telling me this "basically what I'm saying is.... I want our blood to stay in this packs alpha bloodline" my father says as my face drops and I realise where this is headed "no." I say standing up
"Darling I know it's not necessarily what you'd want... but please understand it's best for the pack.. and our future" my father says
"NO IM NOT MARRYING THAT SELF CENTRED COCKY BASTARD" I yell as I push my chair across the room, it shatters as it hits the wall. "Luna!" My father yells
"MY FUCKING FIANCÉ DIED A FEW WEEKS AGO!" I yell as I pick up a lamp and throw it
"His basically been dead for 3 years" my father says, I just give him a death glare,
"And do you think Logan would be a good father to me and TOBYS girls... NO!" I yell as I slam my fists in my fathers desk causing it to crack "this is for the greater good" he says standing up "your being selfish" he yells at me as he slaps me, I look at him fear through my eyes, my fathers never slapped me. Then the memory of when Toby slapped me flashes through my mind, I feel a warm tear fall down my face "no dad, your being selfish" I whisper as I turn to his office door "Luna!" He yells as I storm out holding back the tears, I run outside turning into a wolf ready to run into the woods when I hear my father howl, I ignore him until I feel his heavy wolf on top of me pulling me back to the house "get off" I mindlink as he growls at me annoyed,
"Shift" he demands, I growl at him and pull him off me with my jaw, he hits a tree but quickly gets back in his feet "Luna!" He mindlinks me but I ignore him "dad, leave me alone"
"I'm only trying to protect you, Luna I won't be around forever.. but I can tell you one thing Logan will always protect you" my father says as he shifts back to human,
"That jerk doesn't give one crap about me, I could die for all he cared" I say as I also shift
"Is that really what you think?" He asks as he walks inside closing the door behind himself.
I sigh as I look up into the kitchen/lounge room window to see Logan standing there staring back at me, after a few minutes of just staring at each other I look off into the woods then back at the window to see his gone 'hm' I hear my wolf whisper "time for a run" I say turning back into a wolf.
I run all the way to where I have had Midnights birthday present built, I stop out the front to see it completely finished "it looks amazing" I say as I stare at a white 2 story house with black windows. That's right for Midnight birthday I've had a house built for her, Brad and Dawn. Amazing cousin right!
I walk in to see a half furnished house, "no" I say as I pick up a pink cushion from the white couch 'it looks good' my wolf says as I start to laugh
"Yeah to us, but you know Midnight she hates pink and bright colours, she'll hate this house, we need to add more black and re furnish it... make it feel like her house not someone else's" I say as I throw the pink cushion out the open window "I'll get some pack members to refurnish it" I say walking out.
I get home and go straight to my room not wanting to see my father or Logan. I lay in my bed scrolling through Instagram until I hear a knock at my bedroom door "go away" I yell.
"It's Aidan" I hear from the other side of my door,
"Agh, come in" I yell as the door opens and I see Aidan grinning, his holding two boxes of Ben and jerrys ice cream along with a few bars of chocolate, I instantly smile "your the fucking best" I say as he closes the the door behind him and sits down next to me "here I got your favourite flavour" he says passing me a tub of b & j ice cream "OMG thank you" I yell as I wrap my arms around him hugging him "I heard about the whole arranged marriage" he says handing me a spoon, I sigh "yeah?" He nods "word travels fast around here" he says opening his ice cream "but it's not all that bad at least you get to marry a hot as fuck Greek god" he says laughing "yeah, hot but cocky, huge turn off" I say laughing. Your probably wondering, wtf with Aidan but I found out last week that Aidan is actually gay, his still a complete baddass but he has his girly side, his legit the best! We laugh and eat ice cream along with watching 13 reasons why, laughing the whole time not even paying attention to the movie, Aidan has really taken my mind off stuff and made me feel so much better.

I wake up to the sun once again shinning bright and Aidan asleep on my pillow. I promised Skyla and Alexa I'd take them out today, as I haven't been with them much lately.
"Wake up girls, we are going to get ice cream" I yell as they both open their eyes and sit up excited "ice cream, for breakfast?" Skyla asks confused, I giggle "you'll only live once, so yes ice cream for breakfast" I say grinning,
"Yay yay yay yay yay" Alexa starts yelling really cutely.

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