Chapter 38: visit from Logan and night by Aaron

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I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge hungry. I feel someone grab my arm tight. "Ow!" I yell as I turn and see it's hunter "what the fuck do you want?" I ask as he grabs my other hand so I can't move, he pulls me upstairs into his room. "Let go of me!" I yell as he lets go and shoved me onto the bed. "Let's have some fun, eh?" He says smirking. He quickly holds my hands above my head and starts pulling my jumper off. 'Oh hell no!' My wolf yells I think quickly as he try's to undo my t-shirt. I knee him in the balls and get free of his grip, I quickly pull my gun out and hold it to his head. "Cute" He says laughing, why the fuck is he laughing? He quickly stands up pushing the gun from my hands. The gun lands near the door way out of my reach 'shit....?' My wolf whispers. He grabs my neck and pushes me on the bed choking me and pulling at my clothes, "Hunter get off me.... please" I whisper trying to catch my breath. He stops and smirks at me "not so tough now are you" he says as he pulls at my t-shirt ripping it off. I feel tears clouding my eyes 'Skyla think' My wolf yells but I can't hear her.
I lay there hopeless and fighting for my breath as he is still choking me.

My eyes feel heavy and I find myself fighting to keep them open. I feel Hunters grip loosen and my eyes dart open and I see Hunter being beaten to the ground.
I shut my eyes once again soon to open them when I feel someone lifting me up and walking off. I open my eyes and I see a familiar face.
I close my eyes and open them again to see I'm in my bed with a blanket over me. Logan is sitting in the corner. I quickly sit up "Logan you saved me" I say he looks up and chuckles "I thought I was pretty boy?" He says sarcastically I giggle "yeah but you saved me so you can be Logan" I say being nice. "Where have you been" I ask he sighs and looks away "how's Luna?" He asks sadly I bite my lip "you left her so she'd be happy, yeah?" I ask. He nods I look away "she really liked you, she's being forced to marry the jerk you saved me from" I say upset. His fists tighten and he goes tense "he beats her" I say again, he quickly stands up and punches my wall. I sigh "save her, I trust you" I say before I pass out.

Logan's POV~~
"Save her, I trust you" Skyla says before she falls limb on her bed.
I quickly run over to her making sure she was okay.
I walk out her balcony and take a deep breath 'I guess we are gonna be here for awhile' My wolf says reassuring, I nod.
I hear someone coming so I jump over the balcony turning wolf while falling and landing steady on my feet without a single scratch.
I could smell Dawns scent in Sky's room and there was a bed set up so Dawns been there. I need the trust of Dawn.... but how?

Skyla's POV~~
2 hours later~~
I walk out onto my balcony starring at the hills and trees that go for miles.
I look inside and Dawn walks in and sits down on her bed.
I smile and continue looking at the view.
I turn to walk inside but stop when I see Eric talking to Dawn, I can't hear what their saying. I stay outside watching them like hawk.
I watch for at least 10 minuets until Eric grabs Dawns waist and kisses her, she doesn't stop him She kisses him back.
I push the door open hard making it hit the wall and making them both jump "your a jerk and your a bitch" I yell before storming out slamming the door behind myself.
I run outside to my shooting range, I grab knifes and guns throwing and shooting them at the targets but it's not enough, it never is.
I want to actually stab someone, Well Dawn.
I try to calm myself not wanting to do something I'll regret but I find myself storming inside and running upstairs with my favourite blade in hand.

I push the door open and stare at Dawn, she's got her back to me. "Dawny" I whisper as I close the door and walk up to her.
She turns around holding a gun to my head "didn't anyone ever tell you not to bring a knife to a gun fight" she says shaking, I roll my eyes "you fucking kissed him... AGAIN!" I yell slicing her upper arm, she dropped the gun in pain. I smirk "why?!" I yell, "it wasn't my fault! I couldn't move!" She screamed in pain "looked like you weren't moving cause you were too busy kissing him" I yell back annoyed, she stands up and pulls a blade from her pocket "Aaron's coming soon" she says unamused, I drop my blade "omg really" I say excited, she quickly slices my arm "paybacks a bitch" she says smirking. I roll my eyes... again.

Okay yes, I find Aaron very hot/sexy. It's hard not to when he walks around topless all the time.

I hear a knock on the door and Dawn goes running downstairs.

Aaron and Dawn soon come back into the room. I smile Aaron and pick up my blade. "I'm Aaron" Aaron says blunt "yeah.. I know, I'm Skyla?" Dawn starts laughing, I roll my eyes and accidentally drop my blade on my leg... embarrassing. "Ahhh" I yell as I drop to the floor in pain.
Aaron walks over and helps me up "thank you" I say nicely. "Your cold, here" he says handing me his jacket, "thanks?" I say putting it on 'His an idiot, your right beside your wardrobe can't you get your own' My wolf says annoyed 'his cute shut up' I say back blocking her out and noticing Dawn roll her eyes and gag.
"Keep your thoughts quiet sir Aaron" Dawn says annoyed, recently she's been able to read minds as s power shes gained.
Aaron smirks at me then I her a tap on the balcony window.
I open the door to see Ryder. "Oh hey, what are you doing here?" I ask he walks in and stares at Aaron "what's HE doing here?" He asks, I roll my eyes "his like Dawns bodyguard" I say annoyed "his more a friend" Dawn says interrupting annoyed, I nod. "Who's the jerk?" Dawn asks me, I giggle "it's Ryder, the guy I met the other day" I say smirking 'what is he?' Dawn mindlinks me "half shapeshifter and he has manipulation powers" I accidentally say out loud "whoops" I quickly say, Dawn laughs. Ryder walks up to me and whispers in my ear "kiss me" he says in a tone where the others won't hear him.
I pull him closer kissing him passionately, "AARON KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS QUIET PLEASE!" Dawn yells. I pull away and want to slap him but I hold myself back "jerk" I whisper to Ryder. "Oh shit sorry" Aaron says looking at Dawn, Dawn rolls her eyes.

"Ryder I'll message you later" I say he nods then walks out turning into a bird and flys off.
I bite my lip looking at Aaron, Dawn sighs. "Aaron do you want me to show you to the guest bedroom?" I ask flipping my hair "yeah sure" he says, I nod and walk out grabbing his hand.

I lead him all the way downstairs to the guest bedroom. I walk him in and he pushes me against the wall kissing me. He quickly takes his jacket off me and runs his hands down my hips he slowly lifts up my t-shirt savouring every moment. "Your so hot" he whispers as he starts kissing my neck.

A few hours later~~
I wake up to Aaron's arm wrapped around me "wanna go for another round?" I hear him whisper, I giggle "sure" I say as he lifts my body effortlessly on top of him.

After about 10 minuets~~
He kisses my neck making me moan, I hold his back tight leaving deep scratches. He lets out a small moan. I smirk but the moment is ruined when I hear Dawns voice saying "you know this is my favourite knife" she whispers creepily. He quickly rolls over sitting up "Hey kid" he said nervously, "ill kill you next time" she says back to him with a grin "that goes for you too Skyla" Dawn says I gulp "I'm not here" I say nervously, Dawn laughs evilly. Dawn walks in closing the door behind her, she turns the light on, I nudge my head into Aaron's chest, that light is brighter then my future, I feel his arm wrap around me as he strokes my hair.
I slowly lift my head up looking at Dawn and holding the covers up hiding my naked body. "Gag much" Dawn says rudely. I roll my eyes "do you mind?" I ask annoyed "no not really" she answers back, I groan. Aaron quickly puts his jeans on getting out of bed. "Clothes please?" I say annoyed. Aaron throws my clothes at me then he goes to leave, I quickly get dressed.
I rub my eyes and look up to see Dawn punch Aaron.
I stand up walk to my room "thanks for a good night" I whisper in Aaron's ear as I walk out.

I lay in my bed thinking about Aaron and his sexy body. My mum would kill me if she knew what I just did....
I'm falling asleep until I hear Dawn run through the door locking it and running into the wardrobe. I sigh "are you alright?" I yell out not expecting an answer.

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