Chapter 49: agument part 1

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A few hours later~~

I'm still sitting on the ground where I was hours ago and haven't moved. I don't really want to talk to anyone I'm so angry at my mum because i blame her but deep down I know it's my fault.

I hear a knock on my door, "go away" I yell. The door fly's open and Zane's standing there, "afternoon" he says I stare at him unamused "get out" I say, he walks in "your not rolling your eyes or sassing me, what's wrong?" He says sitting beside me. "I'm fine... so get out" I say abrupt he raises an eyebrow "okay if your not gonna leave then I guess I have to ask, what do you want" I ask he chuckles "Dawn hates a lot of people.. she attacked two guys in five minutes" he says, I just look at him unamused "tell me something I don't already know" I said staring at the wall, he chuckles "don't stab me but... Dawns now part of the gang" he whispers. I grab a knife that's hidden under my bed (my rooms filled with hidden weapons) I quickly stab it into his thigh "AH" he yells, I cross my arms "now get out" I said pulling my knife out of his leg and placing it beside him "you just stabbed me in the leg, how can I get out?" He asked I stand up and walk into my closet "your creative think of something, try not to get to much blood on my carpet too" I say, I hear him grunt I just ignore him, I told him to leave me alone and obviously he chose a bad time to tell me his brought my little cousin into death not that there would ever be a good time too.

A day earlier Alexis POV~~

Skyla gets out of the car and mum drives off without looking back, I sigh "I feel bad" I say mum looks at me "for her attitude? It's not your fault" she says, I nod and look out the window.

We get home and I run up to my room, I'm in Snapchat texting my friend Alyssa when Skyla mind links me 'Alexis help me' she says I roll my eyes 'I'm not interested in your shit Skyla' I say back annoyed.

Once upon a time I looked up to Skyla and I wanted to be like her, I use to try to be 'cool' like her and I wanted to be as 'powerful' and 'pretty' as her, now when I look back I wish I wouldn't of even tried to get her to like me and adore me like I adored her. That's why I wanted mum to have this kid, I wanted to be the good older sibling I never had, I wanted a sibling I could talk to and hang out with without feeling like I'm not wanted, but of course Skyla ruined it... she ruins everything.

I stand up getting dressed.

I stand up getting dressed

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Outfit above ^-^

I run out to the woods turning wolf form, I go for a long run.

I start heading home when I can see a guy around my age sitting beside a tree, I turn human and approach him "it's not safe out here" I say his head darts up and he stands up "what the fuck do you want?!" He asks I cross my arms "I'm just being nice, you don't have to be a jerk" I say annoyed he looks me in the eye "excuse me?" He asks, I find myself staring into his hazel eyes getting lost, "ahem, what?" I say nervously he chuckles and fixes his dark black hair, I gulp "what's your name?" I ask him he chuckles and walks off, he stops and looks back at me "chase" he says. I gulp 'chase' I say to myself.

1 week later, Skyla's POV~

I haven't left the gang house, or my bedroom in a whole week. Andrew has been there for me and is the only one I talk to, heaps of people tried to talk to me and text me but I ignore them all. I haven't been able to sleep because nightmares wake me anytime I try.

Present time~
I sit by my window with my knees up staring at the rain that's hitting the trees outside, I'm listening to the wolves howling in the distance, I jump when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.
I look up and Andrews standing there staring out the window, I put my knees down and he looks at me "wanna do something today?" He asks, I shake my head and stand up "I'm tired" I say as I sit on my bed, "but you can't sleep?" He says I roll my eyes "fuck you" I say standing up. He laughs "where are we headed?" He asks I raise an eyebrow "I won the argument so I get my way" he says grinning, "only because I'm too tired to argue with you" I say annoyed.

Yeah, I'm a little on edge at the moment but it's only because I haven't a good night sleep since I stayed with Aaron.

"Actually id like to pick up some stuff from my mums" I say crossing my arms, he raises an eyebrow "you know that won't end well" Andrew says concerned I shrug and walk into my closet. I walk after getting changed.

 I walk after getting changed

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Outfit above ^^

"That's the girliest outfit I've ever witnessed you wearing" Andrew says sarcastically I roll my eyes "I gotta look cute when I know shits gonna go down" I say grinning he chuckles "you don't even care that you are gonna die in there?" He asks I chuckle "I'll bring an extra gun" I say smirking he bites his lip "geez you have zero chill" he says smiling but the smile quickly fades and he looks down "what's wrong?" I ask him he just clenched his jaw and looks at me "nothing" he says abrupt. I raise an eyebrow "I'll be in the car" he says walking out.

'His hiding something' My wolf says nervously I roll my eyes 'isn't everyone in this gang hiding something?' I ask she sighs 'yeah but-' she starts, I cut her off by blocking her out.

I walk outside and get into the car where Andrews on his phone messaging someone. He sees me and quickly turns his phone off and starts the car.
The ride was silent but not awkward. I was getting ready for mum to go of at me and Andrew knew I was on edge, I'm grateful it was silent.

We pull up at the front door and I take a deep breath "I'll be here waiting for you" he says I smile at him.

I get out of the car and walk inside "Skyla?" I hear my mum ask as I walk upstairs, she follows me. I walk into my room and she stands in the doorway "Skyla" she says I turn around making her go silent "I'm moving out" I say she crosses her arms "no your not, your 16" she says I chuckle " legally I'm about 10, you kicked me out so why be angry when I realise I don't need you" I say annoyed. harsh? Yup. But I'm over her.

She gasps "your so ungrateful! Ive done so much for you, I can't believe you even said that!" She yells I roll my eyes and grab a suitcase "where are you going?" She asks I ignore her, I see Alexis creep up behind mum and I roll my eyes "staying with my true family.. you know.. the ones that care about me" I say mum clenches her teeth-

Sorry I needed a cliff hanger
Shits about to hit the fan
Skyla's a biatch to her mother it saddens me :( ..... *realises I'm the author* oh.... uhm.. aha.... goodbye!

Hope I see you next chapter, have a great day/night cause I need sleep...
it's 2:35am rn
Zzzz here I come Zzzz

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