Chapter 22: Shadow blade

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I lay in bed texting Ava as I've stayed in touch with her (for those who forgot who she is, she's the personal trainer that Luna met while she was pregnant with Lexi).
I hear my door opening so I look up to see Logan standing there "ever heard of knocking?" I ask as he chuckles, "what brings you to my den?" I ask smirking he walks over to me still not saying a word, he grabs my hand and lifts me up, I just stare into his eyes "not so grumpy anymore?" He asks as I blush an bite my lip, I look down but he lifts my chin with his hand, "Aidan is gone" he says his eyes watering "to where?" I ask he takes a breath "heaven" he says, a tear rolls down my cheek. Aidan's dead? "What happened?" I ask as he looks away, I tilt his head so his looking at me "Logan, what happened?" I ask again, he closes his eyes "vampires" he whispers. Logan was very close with Aidan they were best friends an always had each other's back, I was very close with Aidan but not as close as Logan was with him. "Is that why Selena was saying we need a beta fast?" I ask as he nods "but I've already found a beta" he says, I look down sad. My whole life I was told I was going to be Alpha yet I'm not, Logan is. My father let me be beta but soon took that away too, this was my final chance to be a leader, or as close to as possible, but Logan has chosen someone else over me, and it hurts. "Okay" I whisper as I pull away from him, he grabs my wrist twirling me and making me look at him "the person I chose was..." he whispers, then he pulls me in and starts kissing me, I close my eyes kissing him back. Once we let go he whispers "you" He then starts kissing my neck making me moan. Wait does that mean that... I'm Beta, he chose me?! I start smiling and instantly feel happy, I'm Beta. I know it's not Alpha but it's still up there and I'm still grateful.
"Thank you" I whisper as he continues to kiss my neck. He stops and stares at me "anything for you Luna" he says as he gives me a quick kiss then walks out of the room.
'What the hell just happened?!' My wolf yells, I sit on my bed "I don't know, but I liked it" I say back blushing so bad and smiling so big. 'Your making a huge mistake' my wolf says I roll my eyes "haters gonna hate" I whisper I feel her blocking herself out, "maybe Selena was right" I say to myself.

I wake up to the sun beaming into my bedroom window, "too sunny" I grown pulling the blanket over my face.

After about half an hour I finally get up.
I look out the window and stare at Skyla's shooting range, I sigh. I walk into my wardrobe and see my new swimsuit sitting there, I'm gonna go for a swim.

I walk downstairs and jump into the pool with no hesitation

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I walk downstairs and jump into the pool with no hesitation. I hear someone knocking but ignore it, Logan can get it.

I reflex for a minute of so till I see Logan walking in "hey Luna" he says grinning, "hey" I say swimming over to him, "what do you need?" I ask putting my hand out as he crouched down, his so stupid I think to myself as I smirk to him. He holds my hand and I flip him into the water behind me "LUNA!" He yells I start laughing hysterically he grabs me and starts tickling me making me laugh even more, I slap him and he stops "what was that for" He asks playfully I just grin. It's silent for a secon but then he pulls me in and starts kissing me, I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, he holds me up with his arms like I weigh nothing (but then again I'm in water) we continue kissing till we hear Midnights voice "" she says we both look up and I bite my lip "it's not what it looks like" I quickly say, I feel Logan's arm snack around my waist making me blush "well it looks like you were kissing..." Midnight she says starring at me "oh, well I guess it is what it looks like..." I say nervous, Midnight crosses her arms, I feel Logan's arms both holding around me I blush. "So.. uhh.. what brings you..?" I ask Midnight breaking the silence  "we need to talk" She says stern, I nod and then I point at a towel "could you please pass me my towel?" I say giving her puppy dog eyes. "You know I hate that face but yeah" she says as Midnight turns to grab the towel I feel Logan moving my hair from my back and kissing my neck. Midnight turns back around with the towel and I quickly get out. I look at Logan and his smirking at me. I grab another towel and throw it at Logan, he catches it stoping it from touching the water.

I lead Midnight to my room. "That was disturbing" she says sitting at the end of my bed "hates gonna hate" I say giggling "haha very funny" she says I quickly get changed.

 "That was disturbing" she says sitting at the end of my bed "hates gonna hate" I say giggling "haha very funny" she says I quickly get changed

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"So why did you come over?" I ask jumping straight to the point. Midnight pulls of her jacket to reveal a slit "what happened?" I ask, she sighs "it's from a shadow blade, if it's cut deep enough it can take all your memories if killed by it, your stuck on this place forever. The deeper the cut the more memories are taken, someone or something didn't want me having any memory of something" she explains, I gasp "what's wrong?" Midnight asks I lift up my top to just under my bra to reveal a very similar slit. Midnight stares at it for awhile before saying "that's from a shadow blade" she says, I sigh "I think I know when I got it" I say looking straight at midnight, "I think I know the same" Midnight says, I nod. Logan walks in and I see Midnight quickly putting her jacket back on. "Was just checking on you girls, I heard some commotion" he says as I smile "we are good thanks for checking on us" I say looking over at Midnight, Midnight smiles at him "OMG YOU SMILED AT LOGAN OMG!" I yell excited jumping up and down, yup I know I'm making a big deal out of it but usually Midnight is threatening or attacking Logan so it's a huge advent. Midnight rolls her eyes and Logan laughs at me. I giggle "sorry..." I whisper "heh it's fine" Midnight says "I gotta go" Midnight says standing up, I hug her and she actually hugs me back, for a second i was gonna start celebrating this too, wow Midnight must be on drugs she's acting nicer. I giggle to myself.

Midnight walks out leaving just me and Logan in the room "you know I'm gonna get you back for pulling me into the pool" Logan says smirking "also there's a dinner coming up with the white Shadow pack... Beta" he says as I smile "thanks". All wolf packs have names like we are the 'Silver Moon' pack and we are partners with the 'white Shadow' pack, which means we help each other with things and sometimes join forces but that's about all 'black star' pack is Midnights pack they are also our partners. The pack names usually have a colour then anything after the colour.

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